Just created my first watch face. Use one tag for styled hours, another for differently styled minutes. Push to watch and the times don’t update; they show the time I last edited the text field.
Strangely, while the hour and minute ‘hands’ (rectangles with rotation tags) don’t seem to update, the second hand does.
What am I doing wrong?
watch LG G, wearos 1.5, mac client
Hi! Can you share the link to the watch face? I suspect your text field has the time hardcoded instead of using the time tags maybe?
I typed the time tags #foo# into the appropriate text fields.
The watch may be found at Facer - Thousands of FREE watch faces for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more
Many, many thanks!
Your time fields are indeed hardcoded - see below in the “Text” field on the right:
You need to replace that with the appropriate tag. You can see the full list at Tags – How can we help? but in your case, you probably want #Db# for the hours and #DmZ# for the minutes.
Note that your date at the bottom has the same issue.
Hope it helps!