Tomaja Triple Display Model not working on Gear S3

I just purchased the Tomaja Triple Display Model from the facer store. It is not working. None of the 3 displays have any text in them. Also the watch battery display is showing no dots. I am extremely disappointed about this. I just spent $2 for a totally non-functional watch face. I am even more irritated that there is no way to get a refund. So if there is a solution for this problem, please post. Otherwise this will be the last watch face I purchase from Facer and I will be very non-complementary about Facer and it’s “no refund” policy. BTW, the watch is connected to my Galaxy S8.

I can understand how that could be very frustrating and inconvenient. Don’t worry though, @Facer_Official Is usually very good at addressing such situations. Give them a moment and I’m sure they will be happy to look into it for you. In the meantime, have you done any troubleshooting yourself? If not try this, change to a different watch face and then delete the triple display off of your watch. Restart the watch and also force close the facer app or restart your phone then try to re-sync. It may not make a difference but it couldn’t hurt to try. Best of luck!

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Hi Jim2! Thank you very much for your purchase and for your feedback. I’m sorry about your disappointment.

Black areas (nothing displayed) at tappable (active, changeable) spaces looks to my as an update issue - please try to check, if you do have the last Facer update. I personally use LG Urbane in combination with Galaxy S8 as well and it works fine all the time.

Anyway, in the case, your watch face will still showing some issues later on, please contact direct the, they will find a solution for sure.

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This is a Tizen watch, not a WearOS watch. Perhaps that is the problem. The face is supported for the Tizen, but it is obviously not working correctly. I have purchased dozens of watch faces from facer and this is the first one that has had problems. Perhaps not tested sufficiently? Anyway, I am going to delete the face from the watch, make sure that I have the latest facer, and start over. Perhaps that will get me going.

Hi Jim2! Thanks again for your feedback. All my watch faces are double tested additionally by Facer Team. However, I did have similar feedback sometimes since the new tappable function was added. I hope you will enjoying your new watch face soon. :wink:


As @Tomas mentioned, black areas on interactive faces are typically a symptom of having an outdated version of Facer on your Tizen watch. We recommend going to the Gear App Store and make sure you’re fully up to date. The latest version is 4.6.3.

If you still have any issues after that, please send us an email at with your Google Play Order ID and we’ll initiate a refund promptly.


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