I have no idea.
I thank you for adding those tags to titles, but the change you did to this topic’s title literally changed the sense of what was in it.
I already repaired it, but could you contact me next time you wan to change the title of my topic and not only add a tag before it?
Sure thing. But Circular Motion (Not Rotation)
is mathematically imprecise.
btw this is neither multivariable nor conic sections… it’s sinusoidal motion powered by trigonometric functions.
I know that… You know that… but I did not create this tutorial for those who do…
Those people will not search “sinusoidal motion powered by trigonometric functions”, because half of them don’t know those words, they will search something like “Circular Motion - Not Rotation”.
I don’t know those words.
I think I should change that:
1/3 don’t know those words, 1/3 knows them and 1/3 jokes about them regardless.
So, after a bit of looking around and remembering the good ol’ days, I created a tutorial for elliptical motion. Check it out, let me know what you think.
This is what I was hoping to find in this watch face community, people passionate about watches and great tutorials! Hoping to implement this in a design soon
Lets not know those words together
Ok so I was able to take your little tutorial and get it to do what I needed however, when you set T to a #DWFSS# the motion stops when the watch switches to dim mode. Then whenever it wakes up it jumps to the location based on whatever second it is at the time of wakeup. In order to make this less jumpy I was wondering if there was a way to add an interpAccel to this string. So far I’ve not been able to make it work. Anyone else possibly have an idea?
I guess it depends on what type of object you are trying to move and how it plays with the design. In the examples above, they mainly apply to a time related object such as a hr, min, or sec hand. You could always use a #DWE# to capture time from wake, if you wanted the object to always start in the same spot.
Thank you, I will give it a try when I get home from work, wish me luck!
Dus dit kan of moet ik gebruiken voor mijn pijltjes te laten draaien naar bv een dag of maand ?
Bedankt !
Voor mij zou je de Vriendelijkheid van de Vertaling kunnen doen. Als je om hulp vraagt, is dat ons deel. Ik denk persoonlijk dat dit een complexe manier kan zijn om te doen wat je wilt doen. Maar ik zal je basisformules laten zien voor ORBITING die zijn gepost door @rob.fisk . Zoals je moet weten zijn ze voor X- en Y-positie. De 160 is het draaipunt van de baan. 120 is de straal van de baan en 90 is de Offset.
Je kunt de Variabele vervangen door een andere, maar het zal getallen van 0 tot 360 moeten produceren. Veel gemakkelijker om een voorbeeld te laten zien.
For me you could do the Kindness of the Translation . If you are asking for help that is our part . I personally think this might be a complex way of doing what you want to do . But I will show basic you formulas for ORBITING posted by @rob.fisk . As you must know they are for X and Y position . The 160 is the pivot point of the orbit . 120 is the radius of the orbit and 90 is the Offset .
You can substitute the Variable for another but it will have to Produce numbers 0 to 360 . Much easier to show an example .
X Position
Y Position
So can or should I use this to rotate my arrows to, for example, a day or month?
Thank you !
I will continue in English . Forgive Me . The formulas above will orbit in a Minute . You will notice if you have the radius different in each the orbit will describe an Ellipse .
I offer a set of formulas for a pointer to the months .
So number 2 lights up, if I place it in the box, is it only for the date, for example? Can this also run as a second hand?
Thank you !
It can be for anything if we can do the maths . The first Formulas I posted above are for Seconds . If you send a date wheel we can make thea work . It depends where you have 31 which must be included .
To clarify. For an arrow image, pointing at a dial with values you only need rotation of the arrow.
The X, Y, rotate is for an image or shape that moves around a dial with no fixed centre of its own.
The example @russellcresser refers to can be found here.