Unable to Edit Previously Created Faces Due To Infinite Load Screen

I have run into an issue. I had created a face, published it, and was going to update the published face, but decided not to and closed out of the edit. After I did this, the watch face looked unfinished in the preview, and I had a notification next to the watch face that a draft was in work. I was not able to open the watch face to make edits, when I tried, it would just show that it was loading but would not come up. I clicked to discard the draft, once I did that, I was able to get back into the edit view. I wanted to make some variants, and I am able to create a duplicate from the original that I can go in and edit, but after saving, I am unable to go back and edit the copy. I tried to make a variant and publish it without exiting to see if that would work, but after the publishing process, a window came up that said that I had deleted the watch face and it was no longer in my collection. Something else that is happening is any copies from a copy cannot be edited as well due to the infinite load screen. It is only the watch face that I published and canceled the change on and any copies from it that are having issues, the other ones in my collection work like normal. Is there a known fix for an issue like this? I could not find one using the search.


Sounds most unfortunate!
How are you editing the watch face? Via Facer App or Browser?


@jrmarsh1980 . I would not Duplicate previously published Faces and use them as Templates .
If you Open a Publication to Update the thing you do next us Update it or RePublish it . Otherwise it will sit in you Folder with the Pencil Icon showing it is Pending Update .
I would get into the Habit of only publishing Fresh Drafts . Duplicate them before Publication and make a few templates with your Favourite working Parts .


I’ve had this problem off and on recently. At first it seemed like any browser was affected, but now it seems only MS Edge. It’s been reported and Facer is investigating. Nothing is lost, the faces that aren’t loading in Edge at a given moment still sync fine and also seem to open in Mozilla (or you could try Chrome). But it’s annoying and hopefully will be fixed soon.


I do this to start 99% of the faces I make :slight_smile: …I’ve made enough faces in so many molds now that if I have a new design and I’m ready to assemble it in Creator I can always pick one from my catalog that has a similar enough basic layer construction/organization to save myself a ton of time and tedium by using it as a starting template.

If you edit a PUPBLISHED face, yes, it will show the pencil icon, but if you duplicate a published face and edit that duplicate face it’s no different than editing a dupe of any other draft.


Great . I just noticed a Couple of years ago that the name in my Watch Box did not update on a Duplicated Publication . Therefore I got Confused and in any event I would want to revise the Description and Tags . I will always encourage a Maker to Duplicate the Draft and Publish the Duplication . Most Newbies have not Read TOS but have asked here why thier Faces were Removed . At least they have a Chance to fix thier Errors . It is very confusing with some Properties being allowed and some Not .

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Since I was able to open the original I decided to recreate the watch face from scratch. I used the demensions from the original to make sure everything was in the same positon. Now I am running into the same issue with the clone I made from scratch where it will not load and copies of it will not load. I am not sure what is going on.

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You should try let us see your Face with an Inspectable Link . Do you have or have had a PRO Subscription ?

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I don’t have a pro subscription. I am not sure if this will work since it doesnt load for me and I can’t go in and make any changes. https://www.facer.io/watchface/xA8OT9dk0K?watchModel=galaxywatch4black

This is a link to the original watch face that I was able to upload. https://www.facer.io/watchface/jmGtBgekfK?watchModel=galaxywatch4black

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Well . You know I think Creator is Broken at the moment . I am trying to do something and it has Errors on it . I think it is a start again job . Very nice Faces by the Way . You can set inspection on in the View Option of a Face on your Profile then Copy the Link . I can not inspect either of those two . Sorry it took a bit to get back . I was doing something else in a Different time Zone .

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That could be it I just went in created a new template, saved it, went back to my designs, and tried to open it and am getting the same infinite loading screen.


Sorry I was Sleeping . So you can make a new Draft and it Saves OK but when you go to open it you can not . People have swapped to other browsers . Are you using an Apple Computer . My problem solved itself . I had a Syntax error that worked on creator but not on the watch . Also Copying tags from the Documentation and Pasting them in a tag field is a NO NO . They contain invisible errors .
You will have to contact Little Labs with your Issue .

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I am still having issues. I am using a Windows PC have tried chrome, firefox, edge, and opera gx and have the same issue across all browsers. I even tried to duplicate one of my old watch faces and it will let me open the duplicate to make edits and but if I save it I cant get into it again but if I make no changes and back out it without saving will let me open it again. It must have something to do with my account or something because I have the same problem on a different computer.

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It looks like you have done everything Possible . You will have to contact Little Labs and get your Account reset I suppose .
