Unable to update a published face

I have for past few days had issues where i am unable to update a published watch face with changes. Just hangs forever on the screen you see where it says its doing something. This seems to be happening more often. Anyone else experienced this issue?


Our Internet has been down for 28 hours now . I can no belive there are International Internet problems but I woukd not be terribly surprised . Make sure you have a good WIFi Connection . I was having trouble saving my Work before it went Down. Let us see if it Imporves in a bit .

Still not working, but i can publish new faces ok. Something strange going on. Im working on android tablet, so cant easily acess developer console to see if any errors.

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Ah Ha . I know nothing of the Developer Console do you mean Creator . I know all the others recomend not to use Tablets to Run Creator . Fortunately for me My Tablet is useless so it is A Windows Laptop for me . Normaly works fine . I think Mobile devices take second place .

I mean the browser console (F12). When i last checked on a pc there were many errors and warnings thrown up. I don’t usually have issues on pc or tablet (Samsung tab s8 ultra). Issue has occurred on both pc and tablet but only in last 2 days. Current workaround is to start afresh and delete the live version.

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Sounds like it might be worth clearing the Memory Cache . Not sure I must say about the 12 Browser Console . Is that how you get to Facer Creator ?

F12 being the function key “F12” which opens the browser developer console. This is a browser thing, not facer specific, to see if a website has issues and you can inspect html pages and sources etc.

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OK . Thanks . I will try that . Do I have to set it up or is it Default Windows Stuff ? I am a Mouse man myself , Still double click everthing .

F12 on my laptop is the “Airplane” Mode :jack_o_lantern:


I think Jason @jason.clarke.uk meant fn+F12 . f12 gives me Airplane Mode as well . So before , to get to the console I was right mouse clicking . So there we Go , Learnt two things already this morning . Being so short of Memory Banks I do not try to remember Keyboard Short Cuts . I know it is very unprofessional . There we are :::)))

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Yes fn+F12 for the browser developer console. Sorry for confusion


On my desktop there is no FN button. In the Edge browser F12 tries to open the developer option, but in Firefox it wants to open up recording. Which makes me believe it’s browser specific for actions.


try clearing Cache memory and see

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