Uncovering the movement

Here is a fun one. Tap the little balance wheel button above 6 o’clock to see what happens.

Sadly just because of that one button it had to be published as Pro. :frowning:


That’s really cool, well done :+1:
You may want to check out your Dim Display though, as animations will not work on AOD, not even the Seconds Hand unfortunately.


I know :). I still need them to be there though for visual purposes even if they aren’t moving.


@juni00 . I think it would be more logical to have the Door Taps on 9 Open and 3 Shut . Well excuse me just my feeling . If you wanted to publish a free version you could use accelerometerRawX() and the Door would slide depending on the rotation of your wrist . If you want to do something like that and are not sure post the Door on here an we can make a test to show you what We Mean .
BTW Jolly nice Work . You could also have your 6 Tap on a Toggle . Touch ope Touch Shut .


I actually tried that, using the gyro. At least on my watch when using those tags eventually the whole watch slows down to a crawl. Could just be a 5 Pro thing though,


I am really lucky all that stuff works on my watch . But I never actualy usre the Gyro expression . I must go back and test them I gave not done that for a while .

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It’s still an excellent looking Face regardless of anything, definitely an eye catcher, I’m guessing it will do well in the Top 100 :+1:

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I don’t think I’ll ever make the top 100. I do no promotions at all or post about my watch faces anywhere except for here when I think it is an interesting face technically or graphically that the forum might find fun to see.

I have like 500 followers and 20000 downloads so far. I like to think that someone stumbles on my collection by accident and likes it and enjoys wearing it on their watch. Sort of a like a very small exclusive group. :smiley:

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Looks very good very luxurious

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Thank you :smiley:

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