Unreadable fonts

I’ve just uploaded a new face to my watch (Galaxy Watch5 Pro) to test it out before publishing, and the fonts have turned into a blurry mess. They look fine in preview, but are unreadable on my watch. I’ve sent the design again switching between prelaoded and custom fonts to see if there’s any difference, but they’re all still a mess. Any thoughts?

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It’s always a good idea to post watchface here with open inspection.

I’m sure the anwer will be found.


Not all fonts work on 3rd Party Face Making Platforms . Have a look for similar Fonts and test them before you spend hours on the Face . they all scale differently . Who Knew .
Please post you Face here Inspectable . Others will recomend alternative Fonts .


I’m using BebasNeue-Regular, which I and others have used many times before. Anyway, I’ve solved it now by rebuilding the entire watchface. In the earlier version I was trying to thicken the font by adding a stroke, and it’s that which seems to have irretrievably corrupted the file, even after removing the stroke and saving the amended face under a different name. Something for others (and Facer) to be aware of.

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Yes . Stroke and Glow are a NOP now . They worked on Tizen Faces but are Not used on WOS Faces .