Unsubscribe from Facer creator pro

I tried it, and for me it is quite useless. What do you have to do to unsubscribe?


I unsubscribed OK . I have forgotten what time of the month they took thier money but remember it is taken in Advance so you might have to wait a month for it to work . I was surprised it worked First time . I was prepared to cancel it again going by what others had said .


Shame that needs looking into . I will go back and see how I did mine . Definatly through the Account . I know it was paid to Little Labs not Google .


Perfect. I did search for the topic, but I I did not find that result. Thank you :slight_smile:


On the creator page with your faces, clicking on you profile image to manage account. Click edit profile, and under email settings is the produts option.


Great . This will be a useful Topic because it has a good strong Title if anyone is ever searching .
I thought you were saying you had done all that and it had not worked . Some have said that , but it does not take effect till the month after .


If you cancel Creator Pro, which application can you use to create screens?

Se cancelar o Creator Pro qual aplicativo se pode usar pra criar telas?

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I’ve had to cancel Creator Pro, now I’m curious what happens to my existing published faces that have Pro features. I can still sync those myself and their Pro features still work for me, but do they still work for others?


Yes . They are safe out there for Premium users to Sync.

Christian @christianfernandes38 Creator Pro is only a subscription for Makers to use the advanced interactive Stuff on Creator . Creator.io is Free for all to use and publish as you have been doing already .
Christian @christianfernandes38 Creator Pro é apenas uma assinatura para Makers usarem o material interativo avançado no Creator. Creator.io é gratuito para todos usarem e publicarem como você já faz.

So they still make money from them, while I had to cancel Pro because I have no money for it. :neutral_face:

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I am afraid so my Dear Friend . Such is the Nature of a Free Economy . The alternative Does Not Bare thinking about . I don’t think they have similar Open Platforms and Community’s CN way . Of course I could be wrong .


Guys: Facer, as any other company, HAS to make money.
Don’t be angry about it.
Someone has to pay for the servers, stuff, software updates…

Nothing works without money.

We are in symbiotic relationship. We are making content and Facer is providing software and hosting.

Seems fair to me.


I have zero complaints as that goes. This is one of my cheapest hobbies :smile:


That’s what I always say!
I mean, c’mon, 5 bucks per month, it’s really a price of one cup of coffee in a better bar.