UV index and MOONAGEPERCENT issues

Has anyone noticed or could check if UV index is accurately returning data for your location?
Also, MOONAGEPERCENT tag does not seem to align to the Moon phases icons correctly. E.g. showing full moon when moonage % is 50.

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Ha Ha can not check much at the moment I am on my phone.

Moon age Percent is correct . It goes 0 to 1 starting at the New moon . So full is .5 take a bit of maths to make Illumination but it can be done using abs . If you wanted Moon age in Days correctly #MOONAGEPERCENT#*29.53 will give it to two decimal which is quite good for us .
I use 28 moon phase images so moon age percent *28 gives me a perfect Condition as long as I number my images correctly .
MAG uses the UV Index . It is a little irrelevant where I live . I can check it tomorrow if I remember . Near midnight here right now .
I see your test shows moon age percent is 55 Spot on I would say . it passed Almoust midnight last .


From what I can tell UV is working correctly. Of course now that you ask, it’s raining for the first time in a week and a half so I can’t check on it today. Go Figure! :laughing:

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Ha Ha I just synced a Makers Face and compared the UV index to the weather report . It is a dull day here . I will make an independant test . but I think it is wrong . No fault of the Maker .

No . I have loaded my own Test . All the other Weather Data from Open Weather is correct . The UV index is wrong again . Well spotted . One of or all of us must Raise a Ticket with little Labs . I have to do some gardening right Now .


@russellcresser @jason.clarke.uk

OpenWeather strikes again! I would bet the real reason Facer uses OpenWeather is because its source data is cheaper than all the other weather data suppliers. Of course, The Weather Channel is no bastion of correct weather data either.


Uv index is working today. I logged a support ticket yesterday, as uv index was showing as 0 and was reported to me by another facer user. Ive not received an update to that ticket yet so unwise as to whether that nudged somebody to fix it or if it just fixed itself. Thanks for feedback though.


This is From Open Weather . They have got it wrong so Facer don’t stand a Chance . There is no way anyone us going to get a Tan here today .


I see it is updated now . I find when I am not traveling to different locations Open Weather updates every 3 or 4 hours unless you poke it with a stick .


UV is working Well today .

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