Want to try to use shaders

How do I go about trying to use shaders? I’ve been seeing a lot of faces that use shaders and would like to try and learn to use them. TIA!



I looked at a few examples now and then but when my head was in the right space space the example had a gazillion elements all with the default names.
If there is a simple starter for 10 example, or a thread here with come good explanations it would be great. Just not sure what I need to look for just now.



AS far as I know . Only Partners can create Shaders from Scratch . Serious adventure in drawing shapes with Script .
Check out the last Layer on this one .


Well that doesn’t make it fare for people that pay money on a monthly basis. Makes no sense to me


I may also be thinking of something else. I have seen faces shown here where a shadow follows a hand and brings different areas into view and stuff. As I say. I’m not even sure if that is the same thing.


I think Shaders are stand alone and usually the trippy shapes morphing . The Animated animals that the promoted in the early days are shaders as well but the rendering skills are on a completely different level . I doubt well will find an Inspectable example of those . I have not seen a shader linked to any RTC stuff . Tying the two types of coding could be very Difficult .
Are we all enjoying the New Creator BETA v7.36.0.236_beta . I suppose it has been rolled out to Beta .


Anything making it worth going to?


They just moved stuff about . Note Slack is in the Middle . If you want to have a Wander amongst the Tumbleweed .


I think you are referring to @pbervoets - he has been playing with shadows like you describe


@rob.fisk @pinbal24

Well i have chosen Blender for those reasons. I am a free face maker, so my options are far too limited in Facer and scripts coding in Facer or even Blender is not necessary, although i learned the ropes in F. Blender is a user friendly open software and free. And its growing fast. If you visit my place, you will see how i use Blender in all kinds of interesting ways. My creativity has gone to the sky, thanks to Blender. Facer i use of traditional things, like sequences. Shaders add to realism, because you can play with light, material. bloom, mirror effects. And you can use lots of add-ons like Blenderkit which offers you free procedural shaders for example. You can animate light, object movements, interaction, on animated hands, backgrounds, progress objects, data, shadowing, arraying you name it. There are of course other software, but i can advice you to take on Blender, you will not regret it. i didn’t.



Thanks. I’ll definitely have to have a look when I run out of ways to stretch the resources in facer. There are many things you can do just using conditionals to manipulate elements over time.


Thanks Rob. That is exactly the reason why i invested time, energy in a graphical software. Facer is too limited on that front. It is a great program, understand me well. We need it. But each one has its limitations. Perhaps it would be a efficient choice if Blender would leave the graphical stuff to other software, with which they should integrate in a optimal way. It would i believe, be something like the best of each world we need. But business reasons will always come first… perhaps if they match customers needs more…

Blender is a little steep but so worth to continue on, believe me. You make other faces, enter the realm of anything is possible. Go through Youtube tutorials in a structural way. A good overall impression of what is possible is when you enter the donut tutorials on Youtube about Blender. If you get stuck, i will always try a helping hand.


@pinbal24 @rob.fisk

Hi. Here is a example, the first is a PNG file, the second the screen shot referring to Blender’s screen.

Look at the shadowing, the lights. I use here 3 lights, 2 white SPOT lights, 1 red which is animated. The animation i export as PNG images. And you do not need any coding at all. You just try things out, click click click.

And sometimes it is interesting to let AI write the codes, but that is not without misunderstandings. code errors. Can be tiresome…

In the animation i use the camera also to move around this object. It offers more insights in a object in 3D of course with all the recalculated lights. It is transparent so i can use under that animation, another animation. See these fonts, you get a enormous collection of free fonts in Blender to play with. Not to mention Blenderkit. See my next face, to see what i did in Blender.

Here is another teaser.

I use some procedural shader from BLENDERKIT, i selected it on RAIN argument. See the main object got these rain effects. Beautiful comes to mind, not. And it is animated!



Next Level Tutorial . Thanks Guys .


So this is a WIP, i rendered here a animation in high resolution. Got my pc sweating…

i animated here the camera and the red light in the middle, to give you an idea.


Here is another example of combined forces, Facer and Blender. I use of course F for conditioning the elements and timed it all to match the rotation of the object in the background, which i designed and animated totally with shadowing and shaders in Blender. Then i imported them of course in sequence elements.


Just now, for me that is the challenge. How fancy can I get with the resources at hand. I was working on an OTT transitions face a while back an might pick it up again and publish after some advice.

I am quite into upcycling and making useful things out of pretty much rubbish.
After all, I did make a sous-vide rack out of a lampshade:
Or a duck from a wooden spoon



Great! You may have my spoon every time

But i appreciate a lot what you are doing. I did that too, as a free face maker i searched every work around that i could find. Every formula i could find, i used and still use them. Still, you should take a look at Blender, and when i look at your duck, i am sure you could do some magic there too.