Smooth transition help found && conditional lightbulb moment

My turn to ask for some help.
I resolved a previous issue with things seeming to wait for one calculation to finish before appearing. Was all my bad and I was missing a conditional in the thing that wasn’t catching up. So often the way.

Anyway. I have taken a slightly different track on that (random number jumble on transition) that seems to be highlighting another I can’t seem to figure.

I want the numbers to slide up and fade in and out of frame but only got as far as the minute units when I noticed a glitch.
The number seems to flick to next before realising it should stay as now previous for a fraction before catching up.

It seems to be $#Dm#%10%2==0?(#Dm#%10):(#Dm#%10-1)$
I have tried $#Dm#%10%2==1?(#Dm#%10-1):(#Dm#%10)$ to see if it was conditional priority but it does not seem to make a difference.

The fade from odd is a little more complex for 9 being previous to 0 so to test I have been setting the time machine to an even minute, 55 seconds before playing.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Side note. I’m getting the hang of nested conditionals.


Oh WOW . That is complex . Not much I can do to help . But I see that you are using #Dsm# for your move . It is not smooth anymore . It has a glitch . The only Smooth move we have on facer now is #DWFSS# . But I don’t know if this helps .


Good food for thought. Cheers.

I had pondered that but I think it only glitches when zeroing and I am only going from 0 to 9.
I think the problem is that the system switches the time over before doing any expressions but can’t be sure.

I’ll try just the text switch from #Dm# to #DM#-1 without transitions
I can can also try #DWE#-floor(#DWE#) instead of #Dsm#-#Ds#. Pretty certain dropping from thousandths to hundredths won’t affect the perceived smoothness.

I’ll let folks know once done.


OK. Yes. It was #Dsm#. Such a core thing to still be broken but it has led me down an interesting rabbit hole indeed.

So, for example, the odd numbered opacity went from

Which brings, me at least, to the behemoth bunny burrow.

What, you say! No $ for your conditional?

Nope. Those, and the inherent restrictions we know all too well, are only actually required for text output. The nesting, as you can see above, does work there as well though.

For anything numeric conditionals are as flexible, and follow the same rules as any other language. Thanks @trudge.goat8520.

It’s only taken 10 hours to get the right hand minute digit working but well worth the investigation. I ended up not needing the additional equality tests but you can make them as complex as you need as well so go and play with things like: ((1==1&&1<2)||(1==1&&1==2)||(1==1&&1>2)?10:75)


OK. I think I’ll publish soon. I think I just need a few things.

Help picking the best face mask. Changing every other minute is a bit much, even for this.
I think the hour transitions need to take a half not whole second.
I want an outline mask for AOD.

Any thoughts on which of the 5 images I should use? I am partial to the copper one.

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why not change them randomly at wake?
sorry, I do not understand your other trouble


Cheers. I haven’t got a random transition yet. One more for the OTT.

The others were more just musings on what people thought.
Are the hour transitions too slow?
Should I put outlines around the AOD data to match the active face?

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what is OTT?

You mean the digit change? I think its speed is ok, but honestly, it will be rare coincidence that somebody would catch that exact moment to enjoy it.

I would suggest for dim mode to add extra dark green background shape and one black tinted mask above

Maybe it would also make sense to put dark grey background to the active display areas, so you can simulate shade and depth in the corners.


Over The Top.

AOD I like to keep the lit (even if dark) pixels to a minimum for power saving. I may well even outline the hours and minutes there.
Will definately be looking at inset shades on this, or future faces on the active screen, thanks.

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sorry I don’t get it, my English is better than basic, but still limited

it would be damn simple and effective, if the stroke feature were not broken for years.


Works fine for me on both my Fossil and GW6. Glow, however…

So, drinking 3 glasses of wine with a meal is fine. 3 bottles is way OTT.


@petruuccios OTT ‘Over The Top’ - unnecessarily too much (and your English is great by the way)


@petruuccios Indeed. Better than mine at times (especially after 3 bottles ;-)