Watch 6 Classic - horrendous slow down

I’m experiencing a horrendous speed issue on my new Watch 6 Classic with Facer. Some faces are better than others, but those with a lot going on cause a slow down so bad it’s almost impossible to use the watch, dragging down quick settings is sluggish (1 second wait or more).

Same face on my old Gear 3 Frontier, is lighting quick, so it’s not the face/design.

I’ve tried uninstalling (twice), reboot, re-install and much testing, it’s clearly not my watch because if I scroll left to notifications, the watch becomes instantly fast again, for now that’s my solution to access quick settings or more.

Anyone else finding this?
If I can, I’ll list some faces which cause speed issues, most are slow, some are VERY slow - but it should not be the case if my 2016 Frontier Tizen is faster!

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Until you get some results from others, you might consider sending @Facer_Official a message informing them of your issue. That will at least put it into their mind there might be something that needs worked on. You can message them here: .

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Thanks, have already done so.
And just discovered it’s faces created on CREATOR that it’s doing this. Many of the premium or top10 faces seem fine (do people use things like SamSungs Watch Face Studio?), am curious to how/why it’s doing this.
As soon as I use a creator face, even a basic one, slow down occurs on Watch 6.

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I know that @russellcresser has used Samsung Watch Face Studio in the past. But technically any Facer watchface Premium or Free has to be created on Facer Creator. There is a glitch in the Google Services using up the battery on GW6 Classic. There might be another one causing Facer to slow down on the GW 6 Classic also. I’m sure the guy behind the ALLSTARSPACE YouTube channel will hear about any issues or fixes long before they get published.

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Yes . The Real Time 3D stuff must be made on a different platform . I think the Magic is .apk . Some are sideloading these onto watches like 4 and 5 . Nothing to do with Facer or WFS . The ground is shifting under our feet . The problems being experienced are not Hardware Problems and I know it will get better but When ? That is the question .

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has there been any update to this?
i just tried to make my first watchface, and there’s barely anything on it, but it makes my watch lag so much, to the point of not worth using that watchface

any thoughts?

Works just fine on my Galaxy 5 Pro and my Galaxy 6 Classic. If I were you I would turn the watch off and wait a minute or so and then turn it back on and try it again. It might only need restarting.

interesting… thank you for checking and the feedback
i did try that (again after you suggested it), but it makes my phone so laggy.
other facers are perfectly fine, even animated ones, but this simple one slows everything down

anyone else with a pixel 2 watch able to check it? Blackskyy - watch faces for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more - Facer

in my case, as soon as I turned off the glow on the text, it immediately fixed the performance issue


WearOS does not like the glow or the stroke elements and it’s been that way for several years. Only Tizen on the older Samsungs can use them.