[Watch face] B Sharp - Hybrid 10 🆓

I decided to release this free edition of Hybrid 10 a bit ahead of schedule. Hybrid 9 was just released last week and I usually put out a few analog designs between the hybrids, but just felt like letting this out of the barn. Free faces can’t have interaction, so in this edition there is only one color and one hybrid mode. The premium edition allows you to choose from 8 colors for the hybrid display, and it has two additional hybrid modes for activity tracking and weather/calendar info. Also app launchers.

After the last 3 hybrids which shared a basic stylistic mold, Hybrid 10 begins the next direction in the series. Premium edition will be released soon and looking ahead… Hybrid 11 is mostly completed.

Enjoy! And be sure to follow B Sharp to never miss a new release! And on instagram:https://www.instagram.com/bsharpwatches

Smart watch faces for watch lovers!


Great design, very elegant and smart!

Very sleek kvansant Sir…no, not you, the Face :rofl:
I’ll definitely check this one out when the Premium Edition is released, it’s going to be very nice indeed me thinks :grinning: