[Watch Face] B# Starburst Contemporain - published! šŸ˜

Now published. Here is an uncluttered dial reflecting a modern take on timepiece classicism with the essentials of time, date and power level, rendered with signature B# graphics and detailing. I decided to go with the black dial for this one, though Iā€™ve made platinum and blue variations as well which will be included in the premium version (if there ever is one) along with Hybrid Mode for smart watch info.

I mentioned in an earlier preview that this face came about as I was working on a much more complicated multi-plane design. I accidently turned off a group of upper layers and saw the beginnings of this face hiding underneath.

Iā€™ve included a subtle orange glowing lume for this one too.

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Enjoy free face #99! :astonished:


Looks great mate. Thanks for the lume blur tip (really great idea) - just used idea this on a design with ā€˜flat-designā€™ (index printed / not applied) pieceā€¦


Ps. Just wondering what a second power guage (RHS) would look like, mirroring the watch battery, for phone batteryā€¦

Thanks Rich! Yeah I usually do varying degrees of glow on the lume. Sometimes I like it better with sharp edges, really depends on the face I guess. The lume for this particular set of hands has a layer for the glow on top with very minimal blur, and another layer under each hand with a wider emitting glow. I donā€™t use lume as much on Facer as I do in Watchmaker because here you canā€™t turn them off, and I usually donā€™t like to see the lume during the day. But this one is limited to the hands and after wearing it for a couple of days I decided I didnā€™t mind it.

ā€¦wait werenā€™t you just asking me about stripping things down, and now you want an extra watch battery dial? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. It would probably look petty good that way actually but I was aiming for minimalism with this. Also thatā€™s not info I find I care to have on my watch so itā€™s pretty low on the list of things I try to fit in. Andā€¦ asymmetrical balance is usually more interesting to me than symmetry. There you have it.:grin:

Lol, I do find our banter as entertaining as it is informative. True, I do like balance, beit asymmetric or otherwise, but (TBH) asymetric would make graphic demands from the opposing index, nā€™est pas?

Iā€™ve not received an email from the ā€˜godsā€™ this Thursday. So I guess Iā€™m no longer featuredā€¦ Oh well, back to fishing for clicks amongst the garbage of marvel comic screen grabs, pictures of nieces, uncompromisingly angled shots of women featuring their best ā€˜assetsā€™, and animated insects.

Not sure what you mean about turning off layer in facer (lume), you can - but perhaps I misunderstood.

I donā€™t follow ?

What I mean is to set different dim modes. In Watchmaker Iā€™ve always set my lumes with 3 user choices: ON, OFF, AUTO in auto the lume only comes on between sunset and sunrise. I imagine thereā€™s a round about way to do this in Facer with VAR but I think it would be a bit convoluted and I donā€™t have Pro anyway. Iā€™ve made a couple of faces here with 2 versions, one with lume one without. But that is not ideal so mostly Iā€™m just staying away from lumes here.