[Watch Face] Earthshade Apple

I thought I’d give it try making an Apple watch face for a change. Those familiar with my work will recognize this template from my usual Tizen/WearOS catalogue. This is just an experiment for me to see if there is any interest my style on Apple watches. I don’t have an Apple watch, so I can only test it in the Creator. There sure seems like lots of restrictions for the creative window in the Apple Watch. I sure would like to have the whole screen as a blank slate rather than use one of their default layouts. - maybe I’m missing something blatently obvious. Hopefully it will work for folks.

  1. The globe accurately rotates to your location on earth and places the red circle over your location (+/-800km).
  2. You can watch the dark side shadow cascade across the globe relative to the sun’s location. As the day passes, the dark side’s shadow shifts every hour. In the morning, you can see the shadow retreat as daylight approaches your location. At noon, the earth is fully illuminated. At midnight the globe is fully engulfed in it’s own shadow.
  3. Seasonal changes are implemented once a month, as the earth rotates around the sun. The solar plane graphically changes depending upon the location of the earth in the solar orbit due to the axial tilt of 23.5 degrees. The solar plane is represented by the yelow line, and you can see the seasonal changes to the shadow angle as it cascades acrross the earth daily.
  4. The moon orbits the sun at a 5 degree incliation, while showing the correct moon phase.
  5. Current weather condition & temperature on the bottom left.
  6. Daily step count is on the bottom.
  7. Watch battery level bar is at the bottom. It is green above 60%, red below 30%, and yellow in between.


Nice one. I understand there are restrictions on Designing Faces for Apple but I just wish we could change that Font.


Nicely done Brad, and I can even see my location on the preview :clap:


I admire the math you put together working in it.
What I feel a bit of unsorted, or not cooperating so well, is the moon seemingly lit from one fixed light source, while the earth from a different one moving during the day.


I’m guessing the Moon is representing the current Moon Phase :thinking:


Yes it is the moon phase representation, and works well on its own, just in combination with the globe looks somehow strange at times.


Comments well noted guys. Yes, the moon orbitting is just the moon phase. Admitedly, it does look weird against the actual sunlit earth. I guess I could modify it to reflect one of two situations. 1) Either the same artifically fast orbital period with the same shadow of the sun, or 2) the real time orbit location similar to my tidal forces watch face. I’d prefer the 2nd option, so you can look at the watch face and then see the moon and say “oh, if i look up to the east mid way I should see the moon” and then you do and it’s there.

When I did the original Tizen/WearOS versions of this face, I didn’t have the skills to figure out the actual real time lunar orbit, and thought it weird enough to have an artificially fast orbital period of the moon, so no big deal to just show the moon phase even if it is off of the sunlit earth as well, rather than making the shadows match. But now I know how to put it all together so I think I’ll hash out the details in my next Tizen/WearOS watch face first before I update this one, since this one was just a test to feel out interest in Apple watch faces.


That combining would be awesome. I hope the watch wont be overload :slight_smile:
I guess the interest would be enormous if it wasn’t premium. I made plain looking info face for apple (when it was possible, but not functional outside beta) and it managed to confuse 2000 people in about 48h before I removed it.


Yeah, I’m not sure why the Apple face is premium. I’ll get nothing from it. Most all my other watch faces are free, as I don’t use premium creator (except for 2 faces done during a 24hr trial).


This business with making Apple Faces Premium for Beta “test” creators is total bullshit! If they’d left it as it was I’d be much happier. Even their new Templates to use suck, making this whole Facer Creation no longer fun, and we’re all familiar with the phrase “if it ain’t fun…” :pleading_face: :roll_eyes: :thinking:


All my Free Faces got loads of syncs, and I’ve just been amazed that 8 of them are in the Top 100 Free list, including the Number 1 spot image


100% Agree!

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Go Gizmo.

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looks cool, but be aware that NO animations will work on Apple faces. Not even a seconds hand. The screen only updates every 15 minutes. (aside from the native apple elements that can’t be changed by Facer). This is obviously not a Facer issue but rather restrictions put in place by Apple.


I did not know this! Thanks @kvansant. More reason to go with real time orbit vs what is currently animated.

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