[Watch Face]Hello to all my colleagues!

I want to share this design with you, what do you think of the idea !!! :wink:

This is a job, different from the other jobs I have … I’m trying new ideas …

Cordially !!! :wave: :slightly_smiling_face:


The idea of ​​this design is good and I like it.
However, I found the implementation with the 4JDC better, because the colors are too bright for me … but that’s just my taste … would use more subtle colors.

Your color scheme:

My proposition:

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Thank you very much @upgrade-gd !!! … :slightly_smiling_face:
For your interest and comment !!! :+1:
Your idea and way of seeing the range of colors is very important …
I’m going to keep your example in mind for my next face styles …
Again thank you very much
Cordially !!!

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That looks really good Cardozo my friend…and thank you, for it has given me a great idea :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :+1:

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Lovely idea for fonts to carry the color of their neighboring stripe.
Definitely has your style :slight_smile:


I think it looks good. I would just play with colors to tweak the contrast between violet and dark blue. Blue is so dark, the shade does not frame them good from each other. But its yours to decide how you like it.

I would also check, how would it look, if the dash grew from and then blended back to the green area, instead of flashing.

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My friend Gizmo !!! Thank you very much for your good words !!! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: :+1:
You are always supporting me with your good energies !!! :dizzy: :muscle:
Cordially !!!

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That’s what friends are for right…honesty and valued advice too :grin:

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Thank you very much @akar.zaephyr :blush: :+1:
For your interest and your opinion …
Your point of view is always very important to me !!! :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:
Cordially !!!

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Very good ideas that you told me @petruuccios !!! :cowboy_hat_face: :writing_hand: :dizzy:
I’m going to look at my design again … from your point of view …
Thank you very much for your thinking !!! :wink: :+1:

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