[Watch Face] Modern Weather Trend Graph

This is a more advanced but natural progression of my “Simple and Informative” & “Modern Forecast” Watch faces, and brings the weather forecast to a new level by showing the trend data graphically.

Disclaimer: I can confirm that this only works in Celsius temperature measurements. It may work in Fahrenheit, but it may be quite wonky (No Guarantees). Also, where there are extremities from the average, the trends get a little wonky and overlap things like the day of the week, or can even go off screen in extreme cases. Trend lines may taper out between extremities as well, but are still indicative. I am worried I tried to put too much information on the small screen this time, but ¯\(ツ)/¯!

The trend graph shows the next 5 day forecast high average temperature on the left side in red. Similarly, the blue 5 day forecast average low temperature. Then the next 5 days are graphed with a trend line, and individual data points are labelled in white. The forecast condition is at the bottom of the graph. The current condition is on the right side of the screen. Weather station in small green text at the bottom edge.

Other data is heart rate on the left side of the screen in the blue bar. Steps are on the central dominant blue bar, along with the moon phase. Day of week on the top right. Watch battery bottom right.

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I updated it to add Fahrenheit support for my neighbours to the south. Some line connectors are still a bit wonky at extremes, but still rather indicative.