[Watch Face] Newton's Cradle

Another fun face. Comments welcome.


very cool, nice coding too! I feel like you could take it next level with improved graphics only in the two yellow areas. The design is worthy!


I like it! Wish I thought of it! :+1:


Thanks @kvansant

I agree that the static areas can do with improved graphics; knowing what will look good is the hard part…
Us engineers are function over form! :nerd_face:
I enjoy the coding to implement the conceptional idea I had.

How you guys come up with such good looking graphics continues to amaze me. :star_struck:

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Thanks @bradtc
I have more ideas for watch faces than I have time to build :yum:
If only my graphic skills could keep up… :blush:

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Hello fellow Engineer! I have the same struggles!:rofl:

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it wouldn’t take much for this one. The simplicity of the yellow bars is a perfect frame. They could just stand some “finishing”

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Facer needs teams! an “engineer” working with a “painter” on the same watch!


yeah, I wish it was possible to share a draft in editable form to allow for collaborations.

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Yes that would be great.

In this case just some pointers could do.
Then I could try to figure out how to apply the desired effect with a graphic editing tool.

I have played around, but the results I got so far did not seem like an improvement to me. :thinking:

OK,I have played a bit more and added a trick or two to my limited GIMP skills.
The yellow bars are now modified, but although the changes are noticeable in the Creator, you have to look hard to see it on the small watch screen.
Not sure if this is much of an improvement…