Watch Face Not Compatible

I did put a comment in for the maker, looks like I’m not the only PW2 user who can’t use it. I did troubleshoot and many of the SI faces are not available for the PW2; might be an issue on the creator’s end.

@kvansant Do deigners have a checkbox to select which watches their designs are compatible with?

edit x2
Seems none of the 3D faces are compatible with the Pixel Watch 2 from any designer.

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I hope I have not Jumped over your edits. That is a nice Idea . You have hit the nail on the head . Sadly that effect under the hex grid could be easily achieved by a free maker without the SHADER / Real Time 3D Animation .
That SHADER effect is for WOS4 updated watches only . So here we go . GW4 watches went out with WOS4 Installed so those Faces were the Flagships for GW6 . I installed a couple after my OneUI5 / WOS4 update and it was only Possible over WiFi . They did not like Bluetooth ( Who Does ) . So that is one thing . The other is you are due for an Update to WOS4 on PX2 unless it was Pre installed which I Doubt . Cart Horse Thing .
Pleas stay with this . It will be sorted soon and it is not Entirely the fault of Facer Alone . There is plenty of Moaning on the WFS Forum about PX2 shortcomings . Mostly about Step count .

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Ok I see you have the latest WOS . Have you had a long enough walk to see if the steps go over 999 .
I am certain that Facer will appreciate you getting in touch and staying with this one . Over the last three years I have seen a lot of changes with things getting Fixed . There are some that say Other Platforms do not have problems . Ha Ha . Here in the real world things are different .

Steps, I haven’t paid that much attention to, I check my steps in the fitbit app on my Pixel 8 Pro.

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Yes. Many Have couple of smart watches now . Use what the do Best . So the PX2 is sending steps to The phone right or ar you wearing a FitBit as well .

Seems to be sending just fine.

I just checked the fitbit app and it is only collecting data from the watch.

There are quirky things with Launch products, like my Pixel 8 Pro just randomly restarted last night, but others have had constant rebooting.

Google might have rushed the device (again).

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Have they put Flexible covers on there Phones with something touching the On button . My wife’s watch was on a Reeboot cycle because she put the cover on holding down the home button .

I put a Spigen case on my, but it is pretty rigid and you have press the power button pretty firmly for 3 seconds to have the power menu display. I think the new chip might be overheating.

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Eeeek . We don’t want Overheating . Work makes Heat so it is Over Working .

no, I’m saying I don’t know :slight_smile: What I think is probably the different things you saw are because of one of the random bugs in the app. I don’t think anyone manually flips a switch. But I really don’t know.

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no, but Facer has determined that these shaders have hardware requirements that a lot of the older watches do not meet. So I think the app either gets the info from your watch or based on what you select and will show it as available or not accordingly. There is a page somewhere in the Facer website that has more specifics about which watches are supported. I don’t have that link handy though.

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As far as I know this is all that has been published .
I have not searched the Documentation .
I think the Production of these Faces is Exclusive to the Partners so they must have some other information .

My watch is on the compatibilty list that Facer provides.

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@BillieJackFu . Well done finding and posting that . Looks to me like you have to contact Little Labs . Have you tried one of the other SHADER faces . It might be just that one that has a Bug .

It should work. But there are still some bugs around the implementation of the shaders. Be sure you have the Pixel selected in the Facer app settings. Also try logging out of the app and back in. Possibly re-booting your watch… these are some of the usual fixes for random glitches.

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So I found a workaround.

If I try to load the face from the website or on the phone app it won’t allow me, but if I use the watch app and select the watch face it works fine. So the watch has no problem with the face itself. Seems to be a hiccup between the web/app.


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Only partner watchfaces are for sale. All of my premium faces are only a gateway to sell the premium upgrade. Since I have two accounts, one free and this one pro upgraded, I can test for things like that. :grin:


ah, I did not know that, but it makes sense.