Watch face not updating weather

I bought a watch face 4 days ago and the first time it put the correct temperature and wind speed. Now it’s not updating those 2 things. Just stuck on the original numbers from the first time. All my other faces in the past have worked. Is this just a bad face? I wrote on his page 2 times and haven’t heard back?

Have you double-checked your location setting and restarted the watch? Have you kept your Facer software updated? You did not link to the face, so as far as it being a “bad face” if it is a Premium, they have been tested by Facer before they are released.


I put in a support ticket for this exact issue. I’ve been in email communication with someone in support but no fix yet. My internet search has discovered that this has been an issue for some, for a long time. I have premium too, but weather is not updating on my new Samsung watch 6. Only if I “reboot” the watch will it update and then it won’t stay updated.