Watch Face Order

Is there a way i can keep the Watch Faces i make listed in order by Title in Facer Creator? I click on the tab at the top and select Title and it lists them in order just like i want but when i go back later they are mixed up again, is there a way i can keep them listed in order ?


Sorry to say No. Like Fresh Faces. Every time you look at one it takes you to the top of the list after you finish.

ok , thanks again for the help :slight_smile:

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Please help me again my friend. I just posted that my faces were not updating the temp, i read on the site to uninstall the facer companion and i did now i cant get any of my faces to send to watch. on my watch i get the facer screen and its blinking and says to triple tap to explore but that doesnt hep. what do i need to do. thank you

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ok i got my face tranfering problem solved , but still cant get the temp to update, please help, thanks

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Do you have Other faces form Facer that do show the Temperature . Presumably you are talking about the Current Air Temperature . The Battery one does not work on all watches .

yes 1 of the other faces i have made shows the right air temp

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Sorry to be slow replying. I am supposed to be working today . Please post us an Inspectable Link to your Draft and if it is a Dubug we will sort it.

May be post a link for both .

i dont think any of the faces i have made are showing the right air temp, i dont know how to post you a link that you are asking for, im stupid lol

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You are not Stupid . You Are a Beginner . We all Started from the same Place .

Go to the Face you want to show us in Creator and follow the instructions from these Shots .
Post the link Directly in your next message .

There are other ways to Do it as well but get this one First .
Sorry for my slow response , but as I said .

I hope i did this right, Michael - Betty Boop 1 - watch face for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more - Facer

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OK. So I thought you were going to show me an Inspectable Draft of a Face you are making. I Can do nothing about the Code from another person’s Watch. I think we are on the wrong track here. You must contact the Maker of that Face via the Comments for that Face. Do him Her the Honor of posting a, Wrist shot.

tell me what you need and i will do it, i thought i did what you said for me to do,

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Hey . Listen . So Sorry I was on my tablet last thing of the day I got confused . People use such different names here and on Creator .
Now, you have to Follow the instructions on those screen shots or I can not check out your Expressions . The Link you sent is not Inspectable .
It is important for me that you are in creator . Then go through the steps . Perhaps I did no make it clear enough that you have to click on COPY for the Direct Link . Then Past it into your message to me .
I am looking for the little locket in the Preview Page . You can check to see if it has worked yourself and you can Inspect your own Work .


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Michael - Betty Boop 1 - watch face for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more - Facer i have no idea what im doing but im trying, sorry Michael - Betty Boop 1 - watch face for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more - Facer

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OK . Well you managed to get something Inspectable to me . It looks different from usual . There are updates to the site all the time so lets run with this . I am supposed to be working so I might get it sorted later . Nice face by the way Betty is very popular .

Ha Ha Ha . If you were not new to this I would think you were Winding Me Up . You lost the Maths in your Tag for the Text . It Will Only show 84 if the text is 84. It obviously happened when you changed the font . Ha Ha Ha best laugh I have had in ages .

I can assume you know how to fix it .

Just Carefully type in the maths on the Line . You can add a space if you wish before the maths for F / C . You may not want it at all .

Please get back If you are not sure . well done posting the Inspectable .

ok i changed that it now says 81 degrees so i will see if it changes. Where does the watch get its temp or weather from ?

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Does the watch tell me outside temp or the temp where the watch is at, i mean if im inside is that the temp i get or outside, thanks again

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