[Watch Face] Pilot-style Chronograph

Hi, I’m a new creator to the Facer community, and published my first face last night. It’s a pilot-style chronograph (that works) with a day/date. The colors are a flat, to mimic the instrument-style pilot watches. It also has a toggle for lum mode (which is also the always-on dim).

I heard the imbed wasn’t working, so here’s a link and pictures.


And in real life:

Feedback would be appreciated, as I’ve seen all the pretty watches on here and I’d like to get there.

Also, if anyone knows how to create a day wheel that accounts for non-31-day months, that would be appreciated.


Welcome! Nice work on this face too. classic pilot chrono!

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Here is a Test Face saved with Inspection Mode on so you can see all the proper TAGs for Date, Month, and Days ok :slightly_smiling_face: