[Watch Face] The endless story of my colors!

My colleagues :slightly_smiling_face: :wave:

I have made a summary, of your help … :writing_hand: :dizzy:
I would like to know which one you like more of the two color variants …
If you also … like both watches … it’s good too :grinning: :+1: :+1: :+1:
Cordially !!! :wink:


hmmmm…fortunately, only two colour variants. :yum:
can hardly decide…but after looking at them three times…The 12JDC :checkered_flag:
It looks a little calmer to the eye overall.


Both are as good as each other :grin:

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I agree with icrltd4 , i think there both as good as each other as it depends on what your wearing to colour match to clothes

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Thank you very much @upgrade-gd for your way of thinking and seeing colors from another point of view!!!
Your opinion and interest are important … :подмигивать:+1:
Thank you…!!! again

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It’s good to always have an opinion from a professional like you … :medal_sports:
And even more … being my friend !!! :wink: :muscle:
Thank you very much for your opinion and interest

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It is also very interesting to have this point of view … about fashion … I think it is one of the most important points about the design and mood of the person …
Thank you very much for your opinion and vote … @beatnickjones :blush: :+1:

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Ha ha, thank you my good friend, but I am far from being a Professional :joy:

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I like them both, maybe the 2nd just a little more. It’s a really nice pattern. Ok still not a fan of the drop shadow on the text though. I could possibly imagine if it was only on the time but nothing else it might be effective. But in general this kind of drop shadow feels more like a cheap effect rather than an enhancement to me. It’s the same with the built in hands shadow. The lack of soft edges looks unnatural.

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Thank you very much Rome for your comment and opinion … @kvansant
Right now I am continuing with these designs … and seeing different ways to represent my ideas … regarding your comments … :blush: :writing_hand:
Thank you very much for your interest and vote …

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I like the first one more, but the second is not falling too far behind.
I always liked No Man’s Sky logos and expansion images, they have a very unique color palette to them and the first one somehow reminds me of them; all something like the 70s sci-fi posters.

I partially agree with @kvansant - shadows look cool to me on battery level or weather info, but the time and date seem like they would work well being flat in their section.
That said, I wouldn’t lose any sleep if you kept them, it’s fine, I think :slight_smile:

Nice shadow effect trailing the seconds hand :smiley:

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I am very grateful for your time and help with your comment and thinking …
At the moment I have many ideas, and I want to put them in order … to know well what to do …
Thank you very much again @akar.zaephyr :blush: :+1:

Hey Buddy, Publish both! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if you publish both, you’ll find out what users want! Time spent on gathering intelligence is never wasted (N.Bonapart). Looks great! Create>Learn>Apply>Repeat

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Thank you very much @richard2 for the wise comment for me

Your opinion is very interesting and very kind for your words … :blush: :+1:

The designs, I just published them … :writing_hand: :rocket:
Here I made three more styles, that I just finished them … and I want to show them to all of you, my colleagues

I’m going to see what results I have !!! :wink:


This is my absolute favourite, the colour gradient and graphic structure are balanced and pleasing to the eye.
The whole thing has a good dimensonality.

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Thank you very much for your opinion and nice words @upgrade-gd

Cordially :cowboy_hat_face: :wave:

OMG when does this color story end! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I like 13 the most, it has a vintage feeling to it. 16 is nice too, it has a volkswagen/wonder woman/wordpress feel to it :wink:


My car … is a Volkswagen Passat CC … :grinning::wink::+1::+1: and I dedicate this design to my car :grin::+1:
Thank you very much for your comment and opinion @ThaMattie :+1::+1::+1::wink:


Being totally honest, although 12-15 work well, I do not like the style at all sorry my friend, but please remember that it is all down to personal taste. Number 16 however does look good, nice work :clap:

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My friend @icrltd4 … I respect your comments…
It is always good to know how the other person thinks … to be able to know how to continue with our work !!!
Thank you very much for your opinion friend :blush: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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