[Watch Face] Triangle Trailer

New premium face just released - Triangle Trailer. Loosely based on a personal favourite of my faces that did really badly in terms of popularity - Syncro Spheres 1K. No question, it wasn’t the easiest to get the time from with its circular hands, but it was smart. Triangle Trailer is that face, reimagined - much easier to tell the time, texture in active mode, OLED friendly AOD mode and user selectable color. It has an egg timer style battery power indicator as well as a glow that fades as your watch battery does. The orbiting second hand has a neat trail.

NOTE: A free version also now available!


This looks brilliant Rich, absolutely great work my friend, I’ll definitely be checking it out on my Watch later :clap: Love the Trail on the Seconds, nice touch, and the colour as/is looks spot on :beers:


Very interesting the design in general …* @richiebee :slightly_smiling_face: :dizzy: :+1:
For me … more interesting is … the style of the seconds (quiet and passive for these types of designs), and the programming of the battery is very good !!!
Very good image, in the off!
I congratulate you!

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this is really nice! perfect balance and super clean!

what makes this one fall into premium though? I can’t find any interactivity.


Thanks. It’s the colour picker that makes it premium. Those who are okay with the colour I choose will be able to get their hands on the free version soon.

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ah, that makes sense, It’s definitely a perfect opportunity for theme picker. But I was tapping all over the face to look for it and never saw evidence. Did you not put a theme picker hotspot on the face?

You can either use the configurer on your watch (on my Moto it’s hold down in the centre for two seconds), or drill down through the menu, or use the Facer phone app, which gives you a few more colour options it seems. You don’t need a hotspot.

I guess I realize that, but in the preview like this (on the PC) it isn’t evident that the feature is there. I think I probably change theme color 99% of the time with a tap on the watch rather than through the app. By on the watch you mean triple tap and hit the settings icon? Why not just a one tap hot spot built into the face?

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I would never think to do that unless I was using several hotspots. Honestly whenever I’ve used faces with colour pickers, I normally pick one in the phone app before I even download the face. I guess I assumed that’s what most people did.


Free version now available without the colour picker. Sync or sink - you can help decide whether it stays in my collection or gets deleted. If it reaches its target after two weeks, it will stay. If it doesn’t, it goes bye-bye.

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I’ll get the Premium thanks Rich :sunglasses: I select a colour in the App, but then I look through the colours on the Watch (Samsung Galaxy 46"), as there’s more to choose from on there for me.


Interesting to see the different ways watches work with this. I have updated the face with a hotspot to go straight to the colour picker, and there is a lockout which can be toggled by clicking under the 6.

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