[Watch Face] Wolfman Snack by GM (Halloween)

This is my second attempt using the creator… Let me know what you think, or how it can be improved.


Nice one. On a roll there. Do you do all your own drawings ?

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Excellent work @geekm0nkey well done :clap:
You asked if it could be improved, and although it looks great just as it is, the only thing I would change would be to have the wolf running around. I knocked this together quickly for you if you want to use it ok (right click on Wolf to save him, just a 6 Frame Gif), Inspection is on, but I’ll add the Tags here as well -
Wolf Seconds Gif 01
X = (((sin((-(#DWFSS#+170)/180)*pi))*128)+160)
Y = (((cos((-(#DWFSS#+170)/180)*pi))*128)+160)
Rotation = #DWFSS# (to speed up just add a Times * = (#DWFSS#*2) where 2 is 2 times the Speed.

That’s a very cool animation. Thank you, however the wolf in this face is meant to be jumping over the scene. Dunno how best to animate that.

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If you wanted to, remembering it’s your Face, so whatever makes you happy, you could simply resize the gif and replace your Wolf image with the running one. Like I said though, it’s cool as it is, and it IS your Face :grin:

I got these from an illustrator on shutter stock. I have an idea for another for next halloween… The idea will be similar, but, on the dim cycle there would be a mans face holding the time under a cloudy sky, then on wake an animation would happen, the cloud will part showing a full moon, and the man will transform into the wolfman. I think that would make a pretty slick watch face.


Definitely sounds cool :+1:

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Yeah . Keep it up.

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