[Watch Faces] Dot Matrix Printer, Mercanter Trends, Cherry Blossoms + More

Here are a few watch faces I finished lately…

Dot Matrix Printer
This watch face may date me. Simple dot matrix printer watch, actively prints out the time in a visually realistic, almost animated simulation. It prints out the date, weather condition, and time. If applicable, am/pm. Also works in 24 hour mode. Every time you flick your wrist it re-prints the time.

The printer LED is red when battery is above 60%, red below 30%, and yellow in between.

Hint: In the preview mode below, click on the icon with the circle surrounded by the dots to switch between regular and AOD mode and re-start the print.

Mercanter Map Trends

-A mercanter map with your location identified in the cross hairs and labelled above the map (+/- 500km). An approximation of the earth’s shadow is overlaid on the map to show if you are in daytime or night time. The shadow is a rough annual approximation, and does not account for daylight savings.
-Current Weather Condition, which is day/night aware is bottom left, with current temperature.
-Watch battery level dial window is on the left. Green if level is above 60%. Yellow if level is between 30 and 60%. Red if level is below 30%. Colour coded digital readout.
-Steps dial window is on the right. Red if amount walked is less than 3000 steps. Green if amount walked is over 6000 steps. Yellow in the middle. Progress from left to right. Colour coded digital readout to nearest 0.1k steps.
-Daily weather forecast condition icons are on the bottom of the screen, along with the weather staiton location. Daily high/low temperatures are graphed above the forecast icons, to show the temperature trends.
-Current moon phase is on the bottom right.
-Date is under the map in green.
-OLED, AOD mode, 12 hour mode, 24 hour mode compatible.

Cherry Blossoms + Owl
Spring is here, and the Cherry Blossoms were recently blooming all over town! I made this one for my beautiful wife!

The Cherry blossoms are animated and flutter lightly to the ground. The cheecky owl is also animated, doing his thing.

The daylight level in the background is brighter during daytime, and dims during night time.

Current weather condition icon is at the top centre, along with the weather. It is also day/night aware.

Battery level bar is along the bottom, just under the date. It is green above 60%, red below 30%, and yellow in between.

Flywheel Weather

There aren’t many classic analogue watch faces with weather forecast & steps, so I created another.
-Current forecast on left window
-3 day forecast at top
-Date in Green text
-Battery level bar at the 3-o’clock dail. Green above 60%. Red below 30%. Yellow in between.
-Steps below battery level.
-Active Flywheel, spring and cog at 6-o’clock.

Round and square face compatible.

Earthshade Weather Trends v1.1

This watch face is a cosmitic update to Earthshade Weather Trends v1, and incorporates my popular weather trend graph data and Earthshade planetary simulation, along with the many bug fixes and updates to the models.

The globe accurately rotates to your location on earth and places the red cross-hairs to your location (+/-800km). You can watch the dark side shadow cascade across the globe relative to the sun’s location. As the day passes, the dark side’s shadow shifts every hour. In the morning, you can see the shadow retreat as daylight approaches your location. At noon, the earth is fully illuminated. At midnight the globe is fully engulfed in it’s own shadow.

Seasonal changes are implemented once a month, as the earth rotates around the sun. The solar plane graphically changes depending upon the location of the earth in the solar orbit due to the axial tilt of 23.5 degrees. The solar plane is represented by the yelow line, and you can see the seasonal changes to the shadow angle as it cascades acrross the earth daily.

The moon orbits the earth about once every 15 seconds, in a 3D perspective. The moon acurately rotates at 5 degrees to the ecliptic plane. The moon also accurately reflect its current phase.

Current weather condition, temperature, location is on the left. A graphical forecast showing the daily trends for the next 5 days is on bottom. Celsius and Fahrenheit both work fine. When there are extreme weather trends varying from the weekly average, the graph can get a little wonky where data points may even extend to be on top of the day of the week text or the condition icons.

Phone and watch battery level bars are on the bottom. Green above 60%. Red below 30%. Yellow in the middle.

Steps and heart rate are on the right side.

12hr / 24hr / Fahrenheit / Celcius / AOD mode compatible.


Looks like you’ve been a busy little bee :stuck_out_tongue: :honeybee:
Those are some cool watch faces :sunglasses:


Very nice! :star_struck:

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