Watch hand help

I have finally figured out how to do transparent background and can put my watch hands on the face. My only problem is my hands are not showing correct time

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So Welcome to you @tommyholt81 . We can help really quickly if you post the Inspectable Link to your Face . I suspect Looking at your Favourites you have not started with the Facer Default Hands . If you are trying to use images you have to set some Tags into the Rotation Field .


Yes I am using images. I am not familiar with tags other than the default,s. My placement of hands and rotation working fine. Just they are not showing correct Time.

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I know I can’t use Rolex stuff to publish, but I am not publishing this one it is just for personal use.

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OK so you understand about getting Copyright stuff taken Down . So When you make Hands it is best if the point towards 12 before you import them . You will see I have corrected your minute hand by adding 90 degrees To the Tag in the Rotation Field .
Well done posting the Inspectable .


Thank you so much. So if i point toward 12, then the default tags should produce correct time?? And yes, I will not be publishing this. It is for personal use until I get the hang of it then I will create some faces to share.

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Yes That is Correct.

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Your awesome! So the plus 90 is to align hand with 12 before i import hand, If i am understanding. So then when I import, I leave the +90 in tag?

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It depends how your original images look like. If thand on image is pointing up, you can insert default watch and then replace it with your image by hitting the + button in styles to “use custom image”. In such case you do not need to worry about tags, they will remain there from the default hand.


We have success!!!

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You have been a lot of help!! I look forward to kicking out some designs. I use the most simple way to ensure my watch hands are centered for rotation. I put my transparent background picture on a Microsoft excel tab, center the rotation point on a grid, screen shot and then crop to correct spacing. Run it through my background eraser and presto!!

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If you have MS office, the Powerpoint is better tool for making any component, hands included.

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I will certainly use that advice!! Thank you

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Someone shared a couple of Templates for making Hands quite some time ago, here they both are for you now -

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I also love the rolex line , I have created many also for myself. Rolex does offer on there web page the dials alone to view and in great detail . I wish I could show some of my work , but haven’t figured this page out yet …

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Post a screenshot of your work here . You can make a screenshot on your watch or in Creator . You could post a shot of your work on your wrist. I have made Private ROLEX Faces . I used a Dial straight off . I think I cut out the Date Window .