This is a new face I’m working on … with 11 interactions roughly and for each one of them a different text will appear on the screen.
To launch applications it will take a sort of double TAP as long as the text is visible.
Tap on top to change color, in between to activate a “dark” DIM mode which will be deactivated the next time the “Contacts” application is launched.
There is also a small built-in stopwatch.
In my classic flat “black and white” style.
…to bypass the limit of the 6 variables I used a trick …
Very interesting trick with the more than 6 VARS… Did you combine app-starter with a var?
Ah ah… it is a secret… the vars are 6 but I use INC to manage the first 6 and a combination of reset+dec for other ‘extra VAR’… so I can use var_T in combination with the value of the var positive or negative to simulate much more variables
Yeah what he said!!!