[ Watchface ] Breaking News!

First attempt with the new tools. I plan on making some more fun, interactive stuff but I’m still learning at this point.

Anyways, here it is.

  • Change the color theme by changing the light bulb
  • Switch between Health and Weather data by changing the channel
  • onWake animated BREAKING NEWS banner!
  • 2 Random OFF AIR backgrounds for DIM mode
  • Launch apps from the TV - Fitness, Alarm, Calendar, Profile, Weather for more detailed information!
  • “Help Desk” - Context appropriate on-screen menu inspired by Orakix (@syntaxracing)
  • 2 day forecast with animated custom weather icons incl. high and low temp
  • Current weather conditions/icon with high/low temps and humidity
  • Beating heart with pulse, dynamically counting upwards step count (thanks @Tomas)


Really cool idea. Never would have thought of something like this. Well done with the new tools though.

@cth4242 is packed full of unique ideas. Great work again!

One thing I wished I had done was to make the buttons blink on and off once to indicate you had pressed them.

Well done! …the menu system a la @syntaxracing is really a great thing at such multi-interactive watch faces… :wink:


Beautiful idea really valid, congratulations.

Creative and cool! I like it. :heart_eyes: Nice work!