Can someon design a watchface for the movie Wrath of Becky (or Becky)?
Hello Dear Dorine… most of the designers here are professional… but some have their own brand and maybe the copyright doesnt allow them to make it.i hope some designer se your massage … they may do so . Welcome . As @sepandar has said . There could be a copyright issue . If you did some of the Leg work and show us the Image you are interested in using. an Image can be attached here . If you showed a face style that Interests you . Apart from certain Brands . One is Generally allowed to make Fan Art Representations as long as they are no for Sale .
You will have to bear in mind the format of your watch . Is it round or square ? Is it an Apple watch ?

There you go . I will publish it if you are interested .
Wow, where did you find that wicked font?
Ha Ha . I always Hunt first in the Windows Fonts before I go looking in the Woods . Its Called Black Adder . If you have trouble getting ot I will try to help . I think you might be able to Pull a font out of the Back of the Face . I am not sure about that :::)))