[Watchface] JH | HELL-X

HI there,

I’m glad to present you my last published watchface.
I hope you will enjoy it !!!
Always great to receive your comments :slight_smile:


Oh man this is nice. It’s a shame my watch doesn’t see it as I see it on my desktop, but rather a lot brighter, otherwise I’d download it >_< Never thought I’d start hating a device for being too bright lol, it’s usually the way around.

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Many thanks @AllenMiquel !
What is your watch ?

The Samsung Active 2. I mean I can both hate and appreciate that it’s this bright, right? :confused: I definitely appreciate that everything is bright, especially when I’m outside it almost feels like a non smart watch so to speak lol… But when it comes to custom watch faces everything needs to be a lot darker than you think or it’ll be waaay off.

Yep, outside, I appreciate my watch be bright too ! But then, after few hours my Q Explorist gives up … no more battery :frowning:

The battery on the Active 2 I must say is superb, it’s 7:17 pm for me and I’m at 68% with no features turned off to save on battery (navigation, wifi, etc, etc). But the way its mega brightness can seem to change watch face colors when it’s so excessively bright it just… ticks me off.

Looks awesome great job! Also, Allen, you should be able to adjust the brightness of your watch. I have 10 levels of brightness on my samsung gear s3. Does yours not have that feature? Im not familiar with the Active.

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What I would need is a setting that lets me adjust the brightness just for the watch face and both indoors and outdoors lol. Jokes aside I do like the brightness it has, it’s just excessive when it comes to watch faces that you think have dark colors… suddenly the watch face is a light grey lol.

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Very nice design! I like!

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