Watchface [Radar]

Let me know what you guys think! Open to all pointers and criticism.


I see a lot of people try to replicate a radar design here on Facer. I made a radar graphic that you may choose to use on your watch face in place of your current seconds indicator. Keep making watches, you will only improve from here.


Thanks a lot! I think the original seconds graphic needed to stay. A 1 second radar loop seemed too fast so I made the loop 4 seconds and kept the original. I appreciate the support!

Thanks for the gradient @WilliamS :+1:

This is how I used it:


You could make that 640x640 (overall), and circular (at 636x636) for better effect.

(I will do that shortly, and can post here …)

Yes, I had to enlarge @WilliamS 's gradient image in the Creator to fill the complete screen for the square format.
Also had to flip it in a graphics editor for use in the clockwise direction.

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Quick and dirty … (I’ll start over with a new vector-graphic design, when time permits)


Thanks @andrew.dowden
I guess most will want this in green as it is, but if you do it in white when creating the vector-graphic, it will be easy to set it to any colour in Facer Creator.

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@Mountain_lion, that is my intent.

With exponential decay. DRAFT, mark III …

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