[Watchface] WIP Orakix Avatar - Analog V1 Published

So you said you were curios as to what I was working on. Unfortunately I lost my charger so I’m unable to test any changes I make. Its alright though because my son was born five days ago. I was trying to have it done before he came but he had other plans and came a week early. Anyway, in case you were still wondering here is where I left off.


Congratulations on your son!

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Thank you so much!

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Congratulation for the birth from me, too!

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BIG Congratulations! :tada: :tada: :tada:

Great news! :wink: Watch face looks absolutely original and unique!

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@poopalah @GAUSS @Tomas @jazzbassNick @Linlay
Thank you all so much! I’m ordering a new charger today so I can finish it soon. Also Tomas I’m excited you like it. I wanted a face to celebrate my new logo and this is what its evolved into so far.

If anyone is still watching this thread I’d like to ask you a question. How do you feel about the watch/phone battery hands being visible on the dim screen? The face is finished and ready to be published except I just can’t decide how I feel about this question. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

I find them necessary in Dim Mode, but thats my personal decision. I don‘t wake up my clock often, mostly i only have a quick look. That‘s, by the way, the Reason why my focus in facing is on a nice illuminated Dim-Mode (not to bright because of battery saving). A lot of designers underestimate imhO the beauty of an illuminated watch face.


Phantasico aka GAUSS

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I agree, I’d keep the hands in dim mode.

As an aside, I noticed the 10 and 11 tic marks fade in and glow on the regular face… but on the dim face it’s always on. I take it that’s part of the logo design?

Congrats again!

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Thanks for the feedback. I will keep them in dim mode then. As for the glowing hour ticks, my particular watch is weird about dim mode. I cant use any glow effects or have gradients,things like that. They look good for about 5 seconds then my watch goes into super dim mode or something. If its not a solid color parts will disappear, colors will change and look awful. So I have to design my faces with these limitations unfortunately. I cant even use a lot of other designers faces either. The good news is my dims are normally pretty battery friendly.



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Thank you so much!

I have as well two of those Carpet-Rats, but mine ones are now Teena(n)ger. :wink:

Thank you everyone for the help on this face. It is finally published I’m very happy with how it turned out. Thank you all again for the congratulations as well!