Weather (forecast) tags question

I need help with forecast tags:

If today is Saturday then:

#WFACI# (Forecast Day 1 Condition Icon) is Sunday or is it Saturday (+1 day or same day)?

#WFBCI# (Forecast Day 2 Condition Icon) is Monday or is it Sunday (+1 or +2 days)?

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If today is Saturday, then WFACI is Sunday, WFBCI is Monday


It was mentioned years ago here in the community that #WFACI# day 1 is today and #WFBCI# day 2 is tomorrow.


Ha Ha. This old Chestnut. Some say the first forcast is for Today . It is a genral assesment of the day while Current attempt to give the current Local. So ther are 4 Forecasts going Forward.
To be honest they are so sketchy I dont think it is a problem how you use them.
I would certainly not use them to decide when to take the Yacht around the Bay.


A long time ago I was told that if you stand at your door and look outside you will be able to guess what the weather will be correctly 50% of the time. Those collage trained whiz kids with their computers and fancy equipment get it right 60% of the time.


This is logical to me, +1 day.

This is how it really works if I’ve tested it correctly.

Makes no sense.
So, #WCCI# and #WFACI# are the same thing?

Looks like the right answer.

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O yeeeees, never shows the wrong weather.


Ha Ha . If you ask What the Weather is going to be like in Africa they Laugh at you .

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Musically according to Toto, it rains in Africa, but according to Albert Hammond it never rains in southern California, except when it does. :rofl:


In Africa they had a bit of twisted Hide / Sjambok Hanging from the Porch / Veranda ceiling with a little stick through a hole in the bottom . It pointed the same way all the time unless it was going to rain then it turned a Radian or two .


Well, I’m glad to see you in a good mood. :upside_down_face: :laughing: :upside_down_face:

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Basically, a homemade hygometer using locally sourced materials. I had to go look up the proper term for a device that measures humidity in the air.