Weather icon fails

The weather icon is not working properly on facer. I checked the locations on my watch and the wearable app on my phone, and everything is ok. First, i thought maybe I’m doing something wrong when i created a face. I synced different faces. Samsung faces the icon working properly, but on facer even from other creator, the weather icon is showing wrong weather. For example, now I’m in the middle of the night and should be shown a cloud but is showing the sun . What is the problem? Anyone can help me in this issue?

I do not know what is really behind this, but I suspect it can have various reasons.
a) we do not have reading, when was the last weather data update on the watch, so the data can come from different times.
b) the Samsung app might take weather data from different source (I think it was accu weather, while Facer uses Openweathermap)


By default “SUN” icon means “clear sky” and it’s shown during the day and during the night (if the sky is clear).
Better designers will make different icons for the day and for the night but most designers will use default icons.

I don’t know why but weather (talking about Facer) is updated every few hours.
Samsung’s watchfaces are updated every hour.


It’s all working fine on my Watch. I think it’s as @masterboyhr said; you need to have different Icons for Day and Night.


To blow my own horn: this one has different icons for day and night.


@masterboyhr I like the yellow and black colour scheme and especially the way you display the time - looks great!


Wonderful set of Weather Icons . What Fun .

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