Wekend name in circlel and hand?

hello friends.
how i can create a circle weekend name dail with a highlit option?
please help me

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We do not have curved text in Facer . You will have to make the Letters as images . If you duplicate the Image Layer make it light grey underneath and offset it by x + 1 y+1 pixel lit will look nicely highlighted . You will have to show the respective day name with opacity or moving it off stage x or y .

Or do you mean this this


That’s exactly what I want. And also be able to mar
k the day by hand.

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You know if the text is rotated like on a date wheel, that was meant to turn below a dial plate with cut-out window right on the spot where the text is horizontal, but you leave it static, it can be read even in upside down positions, but that does not look like proper way. Check this multipurpose example, there are both ways integrated:


I see what you mean by Highlight . So Normaly the Correct Day on that on would be sitting horizontal on the Right . So you also want To highlight one of the other days with a frame or mask that is adjustable by the day and obviously rotates with the week .
You will have to subscribe to Pro to do that and use a VAR incrimented An add that to the week count to give the angle .
I have just closed my PRO Account but have some Templates if you need Hans in help. you need the Resources First of all and I wonder if that Dial is the Best start . I found some others yesterday and scaled them to fit on here . If you would like to see them I can post them when the Laptop is on .


There are lots of Day, Date, and Month wheels in the Resources section if my memory serves correct (pretty sure I may have posted some myself) :thinking:


It is quite possible you posted this after we worked on it together .

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