Well miss you ? email?


I got a email saying you guys are giong to stop sending me emails and such? First of all Ive been out of town for the summer and have left my watch at home by mistake. I do from time to time answer some people’s comments and such …SO why this email? If using Facer rules have changed please let me know

If you want to attract Facer’s attention you have to tag @Facer_Official so they will be notified that you have tagged them in a post. Most of the time they are too busy to just read through the comments.

Thank you, I’ll edit it. Hope I did that right


Yes, you did it correctly. If you don’t hear from them in a day or two just contact them at: https://help.facer.io/hc/en-us/requests/new or email them at: facer-support@little-labs.com

Will do, Thank you. Was sorta unexpected…almost like someone at facer is trying to get rid of me. I wonder IF anyone else got this email

I’ve had it before, but I just ignored/deleted it…nothing changed or happened :grin:

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Most likely, no one at Facer knew it was sent. They probably have a computer set up to monitor activity and it just automatically sends out an email after a predesignated amount of time.

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Nice to see you’re still here at times, it’s been kind of quiet. :grin:

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Yes, exactly.