What did I do wrong?

I used $#DMM#==1?100:0$ for a Happy New Year animation to appear on the 1st. I tested it on the facer pro time machine. It works fine. I don’t understand why it’s not working on my watch.


Hello, why do you use #DMM# for calculation/condition? It gives leading zero and the watch may have trouble recognizing it as number, 01=1 numerically, but not as text string. Did you try #DM#?


That looks really good in the preview here @jennkeeney1 but when I look at it in Inspection, there are no conditionals shown as you described sorry :worried:

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If you use $#DMM#==01&&#DdL#==01?100:0$ in opacity it will show up only on New Year’s Day. If you just use $#DMM#==01?100:0$ it will show the full month of January.


Lots of layers there. Love the HNY zooming spinney thing . Got that saved in the Bits Box . Thank you . All sorted for next year then . I did a thing with Milliseconds Countdown but it was Ten seconds out according to the TV . Any way it does not have to be perfect If it looks good that is most important . I have to say My Wife is wearing one of your Faces on her watch for the Season .

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If it’s a Wear OS watch I have had conditionals work on everything except the watch unless I use:
$(#DMM#==1)?100:0$ Though I use a single = too.

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I just saw a post on Fakebook (Facebook) from a friend saying that her phone said it was midnight, but the TV was saying it was 23:57. I don’t think TV stations are all that close to being the correct time anymore.


Yeah. If in doubt get Pareenteses out. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I am actually sure the TV count down was wrong. I had that Unix time running on my tablet when I was testing and it was within a fraction of a second. The difference between ceil and round.


Opps. I should have explained that I removed the expression for the animation work on New Years day.


Thank you!


Thanks everyone for your help. I appreciate it.


lol Gif 02

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