What is your most difficult face you ever made?

Yeah, let us have it boys and girls… What was the most challenging, difficult face to make. And why is that so… I am mostly interested in the why.

Here is mine. It is my most complete work (although not finished), where i combined skills i learned on the way, both in Facer as in Blender? For example, the seconds hand was difficult. I used i think 5 or 6 seconds hands and it is not even finished. 2 of them i used to create the shadow of the seconds hand, but only after 30 secs. You will notice that the shadow grows thicker and wider from the hand, till about 50 secs mark. Then the behavior is reversed so that at 60 seconds, the shadow is gone. Still have to do the part from 0 to 30 sec, but i get there.

And each second is accompanied by a moving open orange rectangle to make things even more exciting. I even cut the left shoe of the icon of Facer, and shaped it to my will… in Blender, imported and i timed it, positioned it around the arc after 10 o’clock. What you think about this one?

Best greetings


For me it would probably be this one. There have been a few others, but this one comes to mind just making all the motion work together correctly.

MAG 1327


This one took over 100 hours and got 9 syncs. Keep on Making. Can we make the Faces in this Topic Inspectable.


My 7-Segment flip watch is still the most difficult one, which took at least 2 month, setting it aside a few times, not knowing I could manage it. But it may not be the last one … :slight_smile:


I Love that one Tom . Defiantly a Makers Muse . The Battery Gauge is Absolutely Unique . That does not happen often . Well including the Flipping but the visual aspect of them was on the table . You made it work for us on the Watch . . Perhaps @pbervoets will make a collection on his profile of these for us .


Well it would be my honor, but i need at least 10 face makers to react. I need more interactions - my coin - somehow. I often get the impression this forum is about reading, which is nice, but too low. But i honor already those who reacted and explained why it was difficult to make; with a lot of appreciation for who they are and what they do here on the forum.


You keep us young, intrigued and smiling. Lots of action too here, must have been rewarding to make this one. Thx


Yeah Tom. I expected this one. Beauty always comes with a price …


I do not Understand why you must have 10. Or is that just a Patrick thing . I did a Favourites Face and did not get 20 having made provision for many more .

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Well let us have patience and see how many really are interested. Ain’t that fair? Butter on the bread, not? I am sometimes really disappointed with the lack of interactions, comments, interest. Not from the regular suspects you know, but … Meanwhile, this forum can provide already a platform, probably much even better than mine. One can even bookmark this post…


Every single face i make is to learn something new. This one was difficult for me because of the animations involved and more than anything else the drawing skills required and deciding on how to disply the time in a relevant way.


It all depends on what you expect from a community like this. In my opinion this community is about as far away from Facebook that you can get and all the better for it. There are the regulars for sure who voluntarily help and advise new members as well those the most experienced. I am an infrequent poster and receive nothing but help and encouragement when I do. However, I am also an avid reader and am disappointed when there are no new or latest posts. This community is far and away the best reference book for Facer there is. I often use this community without leaving a footprint and I am sure there are many more who interact in the same way.
And yes - I bookmarked the topic! :grinning:


I don’t know a lot of the use of math and expressions. “Clamp” still confounds me, and many of the things I’ve used come right from this forum; however, I did derive my own, shorter version of moon disk rotation after studying other formulae and reviewing calendars of new & full moons.
My formula for moon phase rotation
But when it came to using that for rotation of a hand to cover the moon to show the phases, it took a lot of trial and error to get it right. And if you asked me today how I came up with the rotation formula, I couldn’t tell you.
Anyway this is the face



@wsilbers Well Done and thank you for the Credit. Also looking at your Formula is the first time I have been able to understand how it works. I am certain you do not need quite so many decimals on the Days in the Lunar Month. But the others need them I know. I am using the Canned Tag these days. Good Work.

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For me it will be this one (now the first of 3 varients.
It was getting the cog movements just so with rotation and offsets:

Just realised it chopped off my thanks to @russellcresser for the images for the spring and many of the cogs. I can do the maths in the end but he is star at the pretties.