What to use for face collection banners

Hi, was wondering what you use for easy and professional looking watch collection banners. Mine are usually scrap jobs and look very average, so any advice would be appreciated.

I think yours look great.
Just editing to add that if you start from scratch and design your own, you have no worries about using something that may be copyrighted or having somebody else copy yours. Mine are not as jazzy and slick as others, but at least they’re mine.


You could use a slightly gradient background. Do not use colors that clash with the colors in your watch faces. Same with fonts in your banner. The more thing look like they are part of a bigger picture, the more professional it will look.

As for images in the background, you can use royalty free and free to use images. Just make sure you are totally cleared to use them or you may see your content removed.


I don’t know if you added more covers or if I missed some when I first replied.
Just a suggestion: See how those with the flat white and yellow titles look with a little more depth. Maybe play around with shadows to see if that gives the titles more definition against the backgrounds.