When using Chrono, I want the Hour, minute, second hand jump to a certain point


When using Chrono, I want the Hour, minute, second hand jump to a certain point, like for example the 3 o clock position.


Hi! Are you asking about parking those hands to a fixed position while the chrono is running?


Yes! that exactly.


the basic expression you would put in the rotational field of the hands is this:


where 90 = the 3 oclock position, (but you could change that value to whatever you’d like) and X = the normal rotational tag for that hand. So for example the hour hand would be:


you can take it a step further and have a smooth sweeping transition from whatever the rotational position is to the parked position. For that you need to use interpAccel which is still vexing to me, so I won’t try to bungle my way through an explanation of that. Hopefully someone else can chime in, you can also find some tutorials if you search the forums for interpAccel . But the basic tags above will get you started!

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Thanks a million, it worked great! I would love to do the sweeping transition, but I will do some research first.

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