Why do I like text elements so much?

For me, if it can be text it should be text, given the options available in the creator.

There are so many advantages for ease of maintenance through efficiency of the face.



  • Rotation is a bitch. OK, Rotation round a circle for a hand is fine but on the spot rotation (hand/compass pointer) will not work due to rotation anchor so X/Y is always needed.
  • At the mercy of font maker. If not a clonable FontStruct then it is a PITA to modify a font where image manipulation is learning curve magnitudes easier.
  • Limitation: Even with the most comprehensive font you are limited to the glyphs in the font and then halve that by those that will actually show once synced to a watch.

You can do a lot with just text elements. Here’s a 2 fonter in progress:

Thoughts on a postcard.


It’s six of one and half a dozen of the other plus there is another con - copyright- many fonts are personal use only. It’s only a problem if you publish of course - but still.


Well, the NerFont is free for use and I made the LCD font myself so…


My philosophy is that if you can use an existing font it will be better than using images. However, I like to publish my watchfaces and often I find the perfect font only to find that’ its for personal use. Oh well…


It is fine for you to publish a face with a Lisenced Font on it if you are not selling them . But yes use open Fonts . There are so many .

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