Why is Facer Preview so lame now?

Maybe I missed this topic but has anyone gotten to the bottom as to why the preview in Facer has been chopped down to nothing? Not even a DIM/AOD preview and like 3 frames of any animations on a loop? What’s going in with this??


We are waitlg till the Labour Day Holidays are over . Then we are going to get an answer . In my experiance things never go back to how they were . The more Topics on the Subject the Better . @Linlay as Always has kindly offered us some Hope . Fingers crossed . :four_leaf_clover:

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Sometimes things go a little sideways in an attempt to make improvements in the world of technology. It may take a while to fix, but “patience is a virtue”.

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Well I am glad to hear that and that it’s not about getting rid of it. Patience and Facer are synonymous by the way. :joy: :joy:

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If you have to stand outside Milliways Restaurant for a while you need a bit of Patience .

It has been moved to Beta version for now, but not where you think it is going to be. Look at the photo down to the left corner. But still missing something there anyway.

How long it takes to get things “normal” I have no idea about. They are not good at communicating when things get problematic.

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Well, I think my (few) customers will need this patience more than ever. Somebody should explain them. I won’t publish anymore. Why? Really, because 99 % of my faces are full with animations and customers cannot see them because these animations start with awakening of those fase from the DAO side as is when previewing those faces (switch from DAO to front). Previewing is an important process, which is badly overlooked with the latest upgrade, which is the biggest problem here together with bad communication. So lots of synching gets lost now because only when you synch it, you see the full face animation. That’s not how the market works, they need attraction, motivation to synch. It always disturbed me that the full animations were always hidden even before this upgrade. And I find animation the biggest argument for creating these faces here and make the difference with classic watches. Now, it’s buried till something happens. So I won’t publish, it has no value in these conditions for me anymore. I put a note at my web page. Perhaps other facemakers feel the same. :nauseated_face:


A lot of Makers are with you . Just hang on .


Preview works on phone, animations can be seen.
I think majority of “customers” sync from phone.

We are all wondering what happened to preview on PC.
Old watchfaces still have working preview, new ones do not.


Before the 21st August is OK . All else is Broke . Some are getting round it by using the 5 second Rule . Be Aware that the sync is out - 0.5s
second .

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Indeed I have been away off and on and had just noticed this. I too hope this will be looked into one day.

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Since This Topic Started there have been 3 updates . I have Reinstalled everthing Facer on Phone and Watch . Things have improved vastly . I am finding that my watch is using half the power it was before .
Even testing the HR sensor again . No positive results yet .

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What is going on with HR sensor?

I don’t have any problem, works fine.

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For me the green LED was getting stuck on all the time . Genraly with Facer it goes off when the Display Sleeps . I do not use AOD . On the Other Platform they are saying that the sensor uses no extra power . I find that difficult to belive . Obviously it may be a Conflict with the Faces I have Made on WFS .

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Oh, don’t mind it. Sometimes it turns off sometimes it stays on forever.

I really, really didn’t find that it consumes any battery power.
I’ve compared a watchface without HR and a watchface with HR always on, didn’t find any difference in power consumption.
I guess it has to burn some power but I cannot see the difference…

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Intresting that the power consumption is halfed in the last two days . Thanks for your report I makes me feel more confident .

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