WiKi . List of Banned Words likely to get a published face Taken Down

I know why. Chanel is a company.


Yeah I misspelt Channel . I had a backup copy . :rofl: :joy:


We all make mistakes. I know mistyping and wrong spelling are my specialty. But you make a great point in thar we should spell check and double, if not triple check what we are saying before htting the publish button.


Should and Actually Do are usually the exact opposite . :joy:


I agree!


Was just saying I was inspired by a watch. Wish I found this first.

Add Glashütte Original and Union Glashütte to the list.

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Cool . You should be able to add to the Wiki yourself . I will add them but it is no doubt Glashütte that drew the attention . I think I made a face called GlassHut .

Well that is more of a direct copy lol

I just liked how they had the date highlighted on some of their watches.


You have to be more carful with copyright names . Screening them is the job of the Bot ( Marvin ) . The visual aspects of representations are partialy covered by the Educational Lisence . They can be taken down for Visual Infringement but those that are detected periodically by the Owners of the Property asking Facer to remove them . Be Aware that a number of strikes will exclude you from becoming a Partner .

Well, just had another one taken down that I didn’t have backed up (7+ years ago)

No clue on why. I get why they need a Marvin, but IMO they’re going about it the wrong way. Unpublish it with a note. If someone republishes it without correction, THEN delete it.

At least give us the ability to see why the bot got triggered.

The watchface in question was a Magic 8 Ball… and considering there’s a handful of others out there, it shouldn’t be a brand issue. So that means it has to be some word in the description.

Since Marvin has to look at the description, why not have it include in the notice the offending word if that’s why it takes something down? If you’re having the bot look for a word then you have the ability to pass that variable to the email program since it passes the watchface id and name of the watch. That’s just lazy programming.


I think, as it was earlier suggested, it should simply be checked before publication goes active and simply not allow it to happen as long as it contains protected content. No deletion at all, the subject of rejection or take down should remain as a draft, so it can be either corrected, or used as proof or example on both sides when arguing.


@cth4242 . I published an 8 Ball . I can not remember the Title right now . Usually Marvin takes down a Face very quickly if the strike is in any of the Text . Visual scans were done by Humans but I suppose that can be done with AI now . Perhaps you had a picture of someone with only 5 finger on each hand .

So this will be the Reason . Facer have launched an 8 Ball Brand . God Alone Knows how you draw a copyright on that .

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Thanks @russellcresser!

This was infinitely more helpful than the content deactivation emails.

I wish they’d figure out a better way to deactivate content.


911 is a Porche model but cannot be copyrighted due to US emergency numbers but can be brand protected.
So, A 911 face featuring Porsche images and/or brand colours can be cease and desist vulnerable but 911 featuring a telephone cannot.

Even Just using the same RGB range of colours with suggestion of a brand could trigger an AS (Artificial Stupidity) recognition.

Marvin is so much better at not false flagging than it was years ago but has had years to build positive keys.
Best to be on the save side and invent your own twist on the classics.

Always clone before publish because Facer have to err on the cautious first and it will take time to discuss creative right with you as publisher if you do refute the issue after the fact.

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I learned something new again. Did not know it was actual toy, just seen it in some movie or something.
btw. I thought brand should have been Mattel as rights owner, same as with their doll.


The magic 8 ball has been a thing since the 60s and in horror movies since the 70s and in piss take horrors since the 80s and pretty much a joke by then but Mattel always owned it. (ish, there was the mysterious 1996 murder spree before they bought it a year later)


I await with Bated Breath for mine to be taken Down . It will confirm that Marvin actually pays some attention to my Fantastic Work .


Could you be spared, if you did not claim that yours 8b was magical?


Yes of Course . :rofl:

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Dare I say… Seinfeld had the Soup Nazi, we have the Watchface Nazi…

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