WIP Military style watchface

This is my latest watchface - it’s a bit of a departure for me, it’s a military style digital watch, It’s a WIP project -some of the elements have come from my bits box and I have to give thanks to @russellcresser for his help and advice without which I would not have been confident that the day/night bezel would work properly. The daylight part of the bezel (light grey) is a circular progress element based on the hours between sunrise and sunset. I added ‘abs’ tag to take care of the minus value when daylight is longer than night time and vice versa


Looks cool!


Cool idea.

Russell is The King of advices!


Great work, nicely done my friend :+1:

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I love the daylight indication, that’s genius! The incorporation of Zulu time is also useful.

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Since you Invoked me in this topic . ( Thank You ) I have to check it out now . I am not sure if ABS is necessary . So if it is a Formula I have posted in the past I apologise . Without the ABS the formula will still give a Fraction Between 0 and 1. I am actually using an other at the moment but you guys know I am a 12 up Man . I have tried to make it as descriptive as possible . As Peter has taught us .
It so so difficult to test these things . We need lots of friends all over the planet . To do that .

Fill Day Time upper . Remove -1 for day down .


Arc Rotation . Rotation Please note I do not use Progress I use The arc shape . Arc progress gives me a Headache .



Good job :100:

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