WIP not sure what's going on here

There seems to be some changes going on in Creator,
My watchface is a WIP learning one - I discovered the wakeRand tag that I used for three of the gold pointers on the watchface, I also discovered ‘fading in’ that I used to fade in the time and date. All very good but now the watch fades in the date and time differently than yesterday - now I get a quick flash of date and time and then they fade in - does anybody else have the same problem? Also I’m not convinced the GMT dial will show the right hour difference - if someone would check and let me know I would be grateful. where I am it’s GMT +1 and that seems ok.

The watchface is interesting in itself - it’s my interpretation of the Harrison H1 Chronometer. It is the first Marine Chronometer that revolutionised navigation at sea. It has four dials the top one shows seconds, the left dial minutes, the right hand dial GMT hours and the bottom one is a calendar dial. It is also a bit unusual in that it uses two 30 second/minute/hour scales on each dial one of them uses Roman numerals - it took me ages to get my head around that!


Great face . Genius that it can be read by the wearer and his/her Guest . I have had a look and do not understand your use of DWE in Wake Rand . That works by randomised between the first and the second number and no other . Strangely is should not work at all . I guess they are just Placeholders and nothing else .
wakeRand(min, max)

Sadly when the Watch Face Sleeps it remembers the state of the display so it has something to show on the Display while it is Waking up Next . Sadly That is what you are seeing before your Fade in . What we need is an ON SLEEP tag . You could try $#DWE#>0?0:100$ for the opacity of something completely Black .


You are right DWE in wakeRand is not needed - it was a carry over mistake that was copied from dial to dial - oh well! I used it so that the gold pointers would be in different positions each time the watch woke. incidentally I see that the pointers are actually below the hands which is not good! Just as well it is a WIP


Yes indeed . I think you will fin Wake Rand gives one number for every instance. So 0 to 60 will only ever get you 1/6 round the dial on a good day . They will all have to be set 0 to 360 but you could offset them 120 and 240 . No one will notice . Be a bit careful a load of wake Rand will Hang up the watch face . I think you will get away with three . On the wake jump . I see that waking from AOD has no jump . But without AOD I still see the Sleep Display for a fraction of a second .


@BIELITZ , @russellcresser
I have noticed strange behaviour on wakeRand().
At suggestion I use it to set the main mask on the transitions OTT face.
When you wake it can flick between multiple images before settling.
This happens in designer, preview and watch.


Show me something . I can test it on a couple of watches . If OTT is Over TheTop . wakeRand(n1,n2) is very picky . I would only use one to roll a dice or the ball on a roulette wheel but not a visual element that is part of the Style . It is too flaky . But as you say it might be part of the Power saving stratergy of the New Creator .