Well, I started working on another face last night and and now it won’t load back in in creator. I have cleared the browser cache and tired different browsers and the face will not load. What gives??? Getting so tired and frustrated of all these issues with Facer lately. Just a note to Facer “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it”
I think to recall coming across that.
I duplicated it, and was then able to edit.
Also, are you using view to open a new tab then changing the URL to /edit? I do that to keep my creator tab open.
If so and you accidentally used a capital E then it 404s and your browser keeps correcting to the capital.
If you get that then start typing and then remove the incorrect one from the history list:
I did and it still wouldn’t load. As of right now at this moment it loaded. I don’t get it.
Same here. Duplicated new watch face that would not load and the duplicate will not load.
I did a minor edit to a published face. The published version will still load, but the updated version will not.
Last time I saw this the duplicate hack did help, this time not at all.
There are currently… Issues. The beta was flawed to unusable, people are backing out en mass I have heard.
It was not a good experience for me but I am now seeing “save and progress” issues without Beta.
As reported by others through the last few days embedded faces will only show loading wheel and not load, own creator faces will not load or sit at saving for eternity until refreshed with loss of all edits.
I am now fiunding the horrible multi click select fail and multi click again and then give up and go to element list beta fail is now in live so WTF is beta now live?
@Facer_Official Element selection on the face was unusable in beta. I tried to comment on that several times and it failed. Now it is live?
I thought I was just imagining selection failure due to caffeine earlier.
Please say the on face selection bugs haven’t made it to non Beta… Please!