Take two - Premium Designer

Yeah! :wink:

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Great! Congratulations! You truly deserved it!!

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Congrats, Roy! I knew you could do it! :grinning:

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WAHOOOOO CONGRATZā€¦I cant be any happier for you ā€¦so excited to see your next design to come

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Yay! Congratulations my friend Iā€™m so excited for you!

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Congratulations a very well deserved honor.

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Congrats @roycaruso! I have always looked back to your designs for inspiration on how to make a better design with shadows and such.

Congratulations RoyCaruso, you have reached the desired goal by many achieved by the best, congratulations again.

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Thanks!! :slight_smile:

Thank you for the support my friend! Iā€™m very excited!

Thanks @Linlay! :slight_smile:

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Haha thanks @eradicator09!!

Thanks @syntaxracing! Exciting times ahead! :slight_smile:

Thanks @selia67, @cth4242, @chadwgraves37, @Orion, @oregon900! Your kind words mean the world to me :slight_smile:


So, how is it going @roycaruso? Are you premium or not? Canā€™t see the premium designer star, yet. :rage:

@veertualia.team, Thereā€™s some ā€œback-officeā€ paperwork and stuff to complete first when inducted into the Premium Designer pool that takes some time. Without going into the gory details, if youā€™ve ever been onboarded in a company as a 1099 consultant or contractor, itā€™s a similar process. I canā€™t speak for how non-U.S. Premiums are onboarded. For the U.S. folks, weā€™re setup under P.L. 114-113, Division Q, section 201 of the U.S. Federal Tax Code to file Form 1099-MISC for IRS income tax and maybe similar forms at the state level depending on what states we live in.

Thank you for your answer. Iā€™m a seller in both Galaxy Apps and Google Play and I can confirm that none of this is required for non-U.S. resident citizens. Judging from its profile, @roycaruso is from Australia, so it shouldnā€™t apply to him, either.

He opened the thread saying he had already applied for premium designer with no success. He applied again on Jun 26 with 100.000 syncs and, heā€™s not premium yet.

It seems things do not work the way Facer says they would. Iā€™m not sure the paperwork is to blame :slight_smile: thatā€™s why Iā€™m interested in knowing @roycaruso point of view.

Well the premium designer star is thereā€¦ look again.

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