1971 LED commemoration for Apple Watch

Alberto .
Please look at you AOD mode on Commemorative Face.
Excuse me but if you want to I would be pleased if you follow up with the @r.malo requests . I am not happy being unable to test my work on a watch .
Nice work by the way . Like the Battery Gauge. Very Appropriate.y

we cant do aod mode for apple face, i cant test to , i dont have apple watch, by the way i update it again with a font i finded that satisfied me , it is hyperspace bold italic , doubled layer upper one font size less and a little orange, down red with glow

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the right stroke and colours give very true look to the font. I just hope the stroke or glow do really work on the apple watch. if somebody could test it


Yeah I am looking at the same thing with the Facer one. Lots of layers. You could double up on the date it is a bit Weak. I note the early TI displays had the same number of dots as The Facer one.
Thanks for sharing the Font again.
I did comment on your Modifications but Notifications on Facer are Down at the moment.

@petruuccios. Hey Very nice. Sadly I can not test it for you. It will be very Intresting to see if Stroke and Glow work. A good bit of research. Good Job.

Great work, love the background fonts that reproduce the circuits, just wait malo to test for us :+1:


wow looks nice I will test and come back to you. When testing the first generation I can see that the time is not accurate and updated

but that is maybe a Apple limitation problem

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if you want to publish I can test it

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I tested the retro LED, looks nice but the module use of apple all ready has the digital time, so it just doubles the time… I would rather the apple analog time.

Also same problem with time accurate see photo

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this new Vinyage LED looks nice, however still has the time accurate problem ( personally I can live with that) buy pressing watch face it updates to good time,

i would suggest more opacity or thickness in red LED effects, its a bit hard to read for old eyes line mine :joy:


Here is a publication for you to look at .
We have problems with making Apple Watches.
You did show the template with the digital Time as an example of what you wanted.
The time and everything else we add to an Apple Template will often be a bit out as Apple Stuff updates every 15 seconds.

last update

the last digit on right side is hidden


Did you put a note in Comments on the site . Try address the designer I am not sure if it was @alsx65 or @petruuccios .

It was mine, it looks like the right alignment for the time field gets overridden when there is one more digit.
I’ll check what I can do about it. But the time difference is really annoying…

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Best just Plonk a a picture in the background and get back to making your Nice Faces for the Cheaper Watches : )

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Hi, the overall looks so realistic/ however of borders digit are still there


Thank you for trying out and for the photos. I can see now the problem with text alignment is much bigger than I thought. It seems I balanced the background visibility better, but even those static layers that in creator have exact same size and position to stack over each other are misaligned. I will maybe take a nap before I get back to figure solution (maybe isolate each digit as separate text field).
Sorry for taking so long, but this shows how important it is to test on real device, and how impractical it is now owning it for testing. As a hobbyist its a good experience to find somebody willing to do the test, but it is also awkward to make changes just on a blind guess and repeatedly getting disappointing result.


its fun to see all the programmers working on this LED commemoration:)

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I am definitely not a programmer, I just found something worth to try on the beta and got hooked :slight_smile:
Facer creator is for me something like a MS Powerpoint, good tool to assemble simple elements.


specially beccause and we dont have apple watches to test :laughing: :laughing: i’m always more convinced that those apple limitation are too much frustrating for us wear os addicted :unamused: