About facer email

You’re welcome. Hope it helps, good luck!


Thanks for your clarification @Rator




Thank you Rator for the detailed explanation! It was interesting to read and learn.


Welcome! Guys/gals, don’t give up hope! And remember if you think you have any questionable content like copyrighted stuff, or copies of anything, or internet pictures or content etc, get rid of that stuff. I’d imagine the second they see something like that is the second they stop looking in your direction.

And work on the requirements too, you’ll need those at the least to be considered.


Hey Rator, I have a question. I’ve looked at some of the partners faces wondering how many free faces they had before the $1.99 showed up, obviously when they were made partner.
You only have 15 faces. Were you made a partner after making just 15 faces, or did you have the option to delete some of your beginning free faces, or am I missing something? I’ve noticed this same thing with other partners as well (MA only has 3 free faces), very few free faces before partnership, while others do have a good many.


I guess, they cleaned up after being accepted (I think, that option is always there), but it would be interesting to read about it from someone directly.


It’s interesting how this topic pops up again every few days.
In my opinion, communication around the topic of “partnership” needs to be improved. Apparently there are still conditions that are not so clearly described.

If a Facer member has 5000 clicks in 30 days, has no copyright violations and is an active member of the community, but does not meet the quality guidelines or was not selected by the team, will receive an email with the reason for his rejection.
This way a Facer member would also know what can be improved!

Just be clear and transparent!

Just by the way, the link to the quality guidelines is dead.


Looks like they have Brought the Shutters Down . No more Window Shopping .


Note there are 6 points on the list to qualify, from which the third one our complaining friend still did not reflect at all (while others can be subjective and disputed about, zero collections is objective fact), despite being advised to that multiple times. Maybe such automated email could remind that too…


oops, you’re right… I forgot the collection.
Never the less an objective fact :smile:

@enderuckun9: could be a point to work on…


The thing is usually deleted faces are still there just grayed out. I wonder if Facer allows new partners the ability to actually remove them for good.
The other possibility is that some people were made partner without having to do what the current requirements are. Perhaps in the past you could submit a portfolio for the opportunity to selected.


Questions over questions…

That’s why transparency is so important


I think I made 35 faces or so before I was invited. I CAN delete faces but then I think they get removed from people who have synced them so I’ve never deleted any faces. I’ve updated them though.

Facer doesn’t do any of that, and I personally haven’t deleted any, only updated a few.

Agreed. While the information IS there, it is not as clear as it could be. Hence this thread. And while everyone is reviewed individually, I imagine they still need to meet all of the requirements set forth.

As far as I know, I can delete any faces I want.
I can’t speak to what conditions other partners were brought into the program under, but I know I met the requirements before being invited.
I never submitted a portfolio, or was asked to. I assume they just looked at the faces I had made to that point.

Hope this helps. Happy to answer anything I can!


Thanks for answering all of this, I think I can speak for all that we really appreciate your straightforward replies.


The Contribution here the community by Partners is very Lacking . The Partners that do come here and contribute number about 6 . A couple get some flack as somr other Members regard them a Representatives of Little Labs . These Guys can only represent themselves . But having said that one of the Conditions of Partnership was to Continue to make a valued Contribution to this Forum . I am not sure if that can still be found in the Documentation .
But as the others have said . Thank you @Rator for you Very Valuable Contribution .


I think some of partners, who never wrote here, do compensate it by leaving their faces inspectable in the “Get inspired by the community!” section of creator page.


You’re welcome. Happy to help where I can.

You’re welcome! I can’t speak for other partners, but I’d imagine they’re like me and have a regular job, families, pets, etc and maybe just can’t get to it. I am just fortunate enough to be able to make my own hours. I don’t know if being on the forums is a requirement, but don’t beat 'em down too bad, they’re all good people just trying to make their way in the world. And btw, I don’t consider myself (or the other partners) as representatives of Little Labs/Facer, and I don’t think they do either. Although I would think they’d want us to present them in the best light possible. I know we may be seen as such, and in that regard, I will do my best to help in any way I can.

I honestly have no complaints about working with Facer, I love it. I think the platform is awesome and appreciate the opportunity I have here. Management is great, they listen to us and are constantly upgrading the system/platform based on their research and our recommendations/needs.

I know you guys would love some more interaction from them in here, but we have no control over that and I’m sure they do what they can.


I don’t get over here as much as I used to, but I will say that what is clearly the key component of partner guidelines is the fact that it is “by invitation” . all the objective criteria are valid goals in that if you are achieving most of those things you are probably active enough and making faces that are being synced enough that you likely will be noticed. But in the end I think it comes down to whether the Facer team thinks a designer brings something to the table that’s not already there, and they decide there is another place open at the table. Though it’s not as explicit as it probably should be, this last line in the “become a partner” page is the most meaningful. "If you satisfy these criteria and are selected by the Facer team, you will receive an invite by email. " If … AND … As Rator says, the best thing is to keep at it and establish something unique about your brand. I promise you that even if the Facer team doesn’t notice a new quality designer right away, other partners do and will bring it to Facer’s attention. It happened just today actually. No guarantees that an invite will come right away because there are other factors at play, but quality creative work WILL get noticed. That being said, out amongst the ocean of mediocrity, there is also more quality creative work out there than ever so the competition is stiff.


Something that no one has mentioned is demeanor. The partners are a team. We get along with each other very well. For those of you thinking about partner, remember that attitude in the community and in the Facebook Group is an indication of how well you work with a team.